REC/MD/GR/RA/et alii -

Having worked on problems roughly described as multivariate optimization decision support, I'm thinking, a high dimensional Pareto Frontier with modified Dempster-Shaffer methods implementing Fuzzy Belief and Plausability measures.   It maps well onto consciousness as wave-function collapse (for Quantum Consciousness Wonks) or at least (for CS majors) late binding. For English Majors, I refer you back to Douglas Adams who describes all of this in very good, imagistic prose.

- SASafrass

On 9/20/17 11:40 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:

Roger writes:

“If we perceived things solely according to their fitness, then how do we perceive things which have multiple fitnesses, where different aspects of fitness vary to different schedules, where combinations of things have different fitnesses than the things met independently, where some things imitate other things, and so on.”

To select with regard to multiple fitnesses, it is necessary to have rank orderings for each and to retain the union of some fraction of the top performing ones.   That means more resources, having more special snowflakes *and* more *kinds* of special snowflakes.     But usually we just get frustrated and get some lunatic to create a giant extinction event and call it good.


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