
While not exactly virtualized IP, can you accomplish what you need via a
dynamic DNS solution, or and then manage routing
on your internal network?

On Wed, Aug 22, 2018, 7:45 AM Marcus Daniels <> wrote:

> Hi,
> The following seems like it is simple thing to address, but it doesn’t
> seem common.  Here are my assumptions:
> 1) I have several computers configured in complicated ways that I’d like
> to keep under my physical control.
> 2) I have an ordinary residential type of internet connection with one
> public IP.
> 3) I use various other computers, and some of them have irritatingly
> restrictive network policies.  I would like these computers to ask my
> computers to do things.
> But they won’t route traffic on unusual ports to the internet.  So, for
> example, remapping ssh traffic to high ports and then using NAT to map them
> back on my end won’t work.
> They also will refuse to allow VPN traffic to be initiated from their end.
> I have looked at several VPN providers, but as far as I can tell all of
> them try as hard as possible to obfuscate the exit node.   I don’t want to
> do that, I want to have public points of contact, esp. for ssh that map
> directly back to me.
> I suppose I could go to Azure or AWS and make a node do whatever I wanted,
> but I was hoping there was a standard service for this.   I don’t want to
> pay per-hour charges for compute that isn’t even compute.
> Any ideas?    Sorry for the pedestrian question.  We all know how
> important it is to have the best words
> <>
> .
> Marcus
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