I struggled for years with a proprietary product called Hamachi (
http://vpn.net - a "zero config" "hole punching" VPN). It worked more or
less well to connect computers behind restrictive firewalls, but the Linux
version was in perpetual beta for years. Once the company and software were
bought by Logmein, it seems to be pretty well abandoned. I found an
actively developed, well supported open source alternative called Zero Tier
(https://github.com/zerotier/ZeroTierOne). I don't know if it will suit
you, but it works perfectly for my needs.

On Wed, Aug 22, 2018 at 12:45 AM Marcus Daniels <mar...@snoutfarm.com>

> Hi,
> The following seems like it is simple thing to address, but it doesn’t
> seem common.  Here are my assumptions:
> 1) I have several computers configured in complicated ways that I’d like
> to keep under my physical control.
> 2) I have an ordinary residential type of internet connection with one
> public IP.
> 3) I use various other computers, and some of them have irritatingly
> restrictive network policies.  I would like these computers to ask my
> computers to do things.
> But they won’t route traffic on unusual ports to the internet.  So, for
> example, remapping ssh traffic to high ports and then using NAT to map them
> back on my end won’t work.
> They also will refuse to allow VPN traffic to be initiated from their end.
> I have looked at several VPN providers, but as far as I can tell all of
> them try as hard as possible to obfuscate the exit node.   I don’t want to
> do that, I want to have public points of contact, esp. for ssh that map
> directly back to me.
> I suppose I could go to Azure or AWS and make a node do whatever I wanted,
> but I was hoping there was a standard service for this.   I don’t want to
> pay per-hour charges for compute that isn’t even compute.
> Any ideas?    Sorry for the pedestrian question.  We all know how
> important it is to have the best words
> <https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/national/trump-i-have-the-best-words/2017/04/05/53a9ae4a-19fd-11e7-8598-9a99da559f9e_video.html>
> .
> Marcus
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