I knew it! 8^) I would, naturally, extrapolate (or is it interpolate?) from big 
systems-level scales down to smaller (but still big, my Confirmation homunculus 
argues) scales like that of individual organisms. So, here I am thinking a 
person can be foxy about their own narrativity and you pop out of the horse and 
hit me with the fact that in the article, the reflective agents are small and 
many, providing a parallax onto the systemic attributes being estimated. But in 
an individual organism, the reflective agent is on the same scale as the 
attributes being estimated.

Thanks for doing that now instead of waiting a few months so that I'd have 
forgotten about accepting that lovely wooden horse.

On 5/8/19 11:59 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> Their examples were more about (big) systems-level phenomena, anyway.  So it 
> is true by construction that breadth is needed.

☣ uǝlƃ

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