I know I've seen some screeds, here, about "postmodernism" and it's unhinging 
belief from truth, though I probably can't reconstruct them. In any case, along 
those lines comes this opinion piece:

  Will "post-truth" politics be capitalism's undoing?

I kinda-sorta agree that individualism contributes to such unhinging because 
individualism is antithetic to any kind of consensus building. But it's totally 
unclear to me how this is fundamentally related to *capitalism*, which I 
loosely define as the private ownership of property. In fact, it seems to me 
that capitalism defeats individualism in several ways, including fiat currency 
(which reduces property to a readily divisible value), collective "persons" 
like corporations which can own property using explicit sharing agreements, and 
built-in mechanisms like markets where some kind of consensus on things like 
price obtain.

That makes me think that either I'm missing some important part of the author's 
assumptions *or* I simply disagree in some non-obvious fundamental way.

☣ uǝlƃ

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