I think the point is that organizations can't achieve goals if there is no 
overlap in meaning of the goals and mechanisms for achieving the goals.   Even 
if there are a few shared concepts, like money, that's not enough to explain 
why a transaction would be arranged in the first place -- two agents must have 
some overlapping reference frame beyond the cost and payment of the service 

There are kinds of truth that give near-immediate grounding  like fulfilling a 
delivery in a shared reference frame, or not, and then others that have less 
direct impact.    For many people the difficulty of meeting their short-term 
responsibilities take all of their attention, and so any obstacle to that (real 
or imagined) like carbon dioxide caps, is easier to throw into the Facts I will 
Deny category.   Increasing the space of deniable information makes it easier 
to anonymously externalize costs on others, and on a less obvious horizon, and 
decreases the cognitive loan on them for attention and reasoning.

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