No, Steve.  Absolutely not.  No Way.  


How about an assertion that there is A Reality beyond "ordinary" experience; 
with "ordinary experience" being the half-dozen or so overt sensory inputs 
(sight, sound, balance, touch, taste, smell)  we typically associate with 


No.  There lies spiritualist blather.  Having pried me away from my monism, you 
are driving me back toward it.  Ex hypothesi, what ever your R. B. O. E. might 
be asserted to be, it is, in fact, a construction of experience.  Because, we 
agreed, there is no other source, right?  Now, if you want to introduce God’s 
Love or Extra Sensory Intuition, or the Wisdom of the Spheres, we can talk.  
But e   ven if you stipulate additonal senses, beyond the six, they are still 
contributing to experience.  Unless you are willing to stipulate some other 
source of knowledge beyond experience, we have to admit that while some 
experiences, because of their capacity to integrate others, get the label 
“extra ordinary” they must be, after all, just experiences and experiences of 
other experiences, ad infinitum.  To assert more is to engage in 
epistemological smugness.  


By the way, the FRIAM server continues to mix things up, putting little 
obstacles to our communication.  So, for instance, I don’t have Dave’s original 
response to what Steve responded to. 




  Nicholas S. Thompson

Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Biology

Clark University



From: Friam [] On Behalf Of Steven A Smith
Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 9:28 AM
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] flattening -isms



On 11/18/19 5:13 AM, Prof David West wrote:

Nick said:


"What struck me about them was how many of them held the view that reality was 
beyond experience: i.e., that our experience provided clues to reality, but the 
thing itself was beyond experience.  I never could convince them that that 
their belief in a reality beyond experience had to be based on … experience.  
So, why not be monists, and talk about organizations of experience.  
Ultimately, it was their dualism that confirmed me in my monism."


How about an assertion that there is A Reality beyond "ordinary" experience; 
with "ordinary experience" being the half-dozen or so overt sensory inputs 
(sight, sound, balance, touch, taste, smell)  we typically associate with 

I generally accept Nunez/Lakoff's position/arguement in Where Mathematics Comes 

from the Wikipedia article on this book:

Lakoff and Núñez hold that mathematics results from the human cognitive 
apparatus and must therefore be understood in cognitive terms. WMCF advocates 
(and includes some examples of) a cognitive idea analysis of mathematics 
<>  which analyzes mathematical ideas 
in terms of the human experiences, metaphors, generalizations, and other 
cognitive mechanisms giving rise to them. A standard mathematical education 
does not develop such idea analysis techniques because it does not pursue 
considerations of A) what structures of the mind allow it to do mathematics or 
B) the philosophy of mathematics 
<> . 

This point may well support Dave's hermeneutical position, though Lakoff/Nunez 
do assume that there is such a thing as a human body and that all humans 
roughly share the same physical/sensory/cognitive apparatus.

The one cultural universal: every culture (obviously not every individual in 
every culture) incorporates a belief in the "supernatural." In all but, maybe, 
2-3, cultures the "supernatural" includes an alternative realm of existence 
(pre- and/or after-life or "other planes."  The, interpretations of this 
universal are multiple - pretty much one per culture/subculture.

And where does Joseph Campbell's notion of the Monomyth come in?   Is it merely 
"widely found", or perhaps just "cherry picked" by Western Anthropology?

I am reminded of the Rick Strassman's research into entheogens, with 
DMT/Ayhuasca in particular.   He seems to suggest/report that it is universal 
that people tripping on DMT will experience culturally specific interpretations 
(in the sense of your use of the term I think) of "another plane" and "alien 
beings"  which could range from angels/demons harkening from heaven/hell to 
multidimensional alien beings and parallel existences.

- Steve



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