Nick -
> Our Own Lee Rudolph, was there as well.  In the belly of Net Logo, I
> think.
> Lee???? Are you out there? 
That is an interesting factoid...  I would not have guessed/recognized
that legacy.  Net/Logo is definitely an interesting beast.

"We all got to be the way we are, somehow"

Perhaps some beasts have more bellies than others (multichambered
rumination, cud-chewing, craws, etc.)

While you (and others) use the self-deprecating term "English Major" for
yourselves when you might not endured the more acutely
math/science/engineering tracks, it is the main reason I am here...  to
hear your voices... to see your perspectives.   My own engagement in the
Arts v the Sciences feels woefully limited...  I am thankful that I
stumbled into the *college of Arts and Sciences* while most of my peers
were in the "school of Engineering".   Their heads got a lot sharper on
a handful of subjects that way, but I am forever thankful for the
Philosophy, Language Arts, Anthropology, thin as they were at an
undergrad basics level for the extra perspective they offered.

I am now appreciating the legacy of the myriad "soft sciences" (even
Biology was considered "soft" during my education) as well as the "Arts
themselves" yet more than I ever have.  

- Steve

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