This is of interest/value to the Epidemic Intelligence work going on at
SimTable/Redfish...   our scope is technically just NM and are parsing
the same file, but would always be thankful for any automated data
sources as they come available...

On 3/30/20 5:02 PM, uǝlƃ ☣ wrote:
> Excellent! Please keep us (or just me, if nobody else cares) updated on 
> if/how they accept help. If there's any way I can help you help them, I will. 
> My Ruby is limited to some playing with the core language back with 1.8 or 
> 1.9, I think. I had no idea "Mechanize" even existed.
> On 3/30/20 2:02 PM, Jon Zingale wrote:
>> They may have some thoughts on how they would like
>> to integrate scraped data into their platform. I just sent them
>> the code and will wait for a reply. It might be fun to flesh out
>> scrapers for the other 49 :)

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