Hi Steve, 


Thanks, Steve, 


I was listening to a podcast by the guy who runs Robin Hood, an organization
dedicated to getting at the institutional roots of poverty.  When asked
where we should give money in this crisis, he said, give it where you feel
passion, because that is where you are likely to give it again.  I confess I
feel passion for these young folks, who in the 60's would have been  in
graduate programs, or art or music schools, teaching, learning, inspiring,
but are instead meagerly supporting their passions by making me coffee.  And
very good coffee at that.  So that's where my money goes.  Robin Hood
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robin_Hood_Foundation>  might be better for
Glen because "According to Fortune
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fortune_(magazine)>  magazine, "Robin Hood
was a pioneer in what is now called venture philanthropy, or charity that
embraces free-market forces. An early practitioner of using metrics to
measure the effectiveness of grants, it is a place where strategies to
alleviate urban poverty are hotly debated, ineffectual plans are coldly
discarded, and its staff of 66 hatches radical new ideas."[
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robin_Hood_Foundation#cite_note-fm-2> "


Nicholas Thompson

Emeritus Professor of Ethology and Psychology

Clark University

 <mailto:thompnicks...@gmail.com> thompnicks...@gmail.com




From: Friam <friam-boun...@redfish.com> On Behalf Of Steven A Smith
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2020 12:52 PM
To: friam@redfish.com
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Fundraiser by Christina Z. : Ohoris Staff Relief Fund


I tipped Ohori's staff, hoping that success there will maybe encourage
lateral transmission to other restaurants.

I also found Sweetwater on goFundMe and gave them a little "taste" even
though I've only been there once. 


Glen made the point with me at one point before "the time of COVID19" (on or
off line, I'm not sure) that the "independent spirit" of *only* helping
those you know or close to you is a little ??? (Narcissistic is my word).  

I still feel it is important to NOT *use* global/national/organized
fundraisers as a way to appease guilt (and therefore responsibility).   The
pre-COVID city signs that went up trying to discourage panhandling on
streetcorners were good for illuminating the paradoxes.   I didn't *want*
people to *feel the need to* stand on street corners and know that
supporting local non-profits that help the the homeless and otherwise
marginalized helps *most* of those folks...  yet at the same time, it felt
good in another way to hand out a set of chemical hand/toe-warmers, a bar of
chocolate, and a couple of bucks to those with the fortitude, or the
desperation, (or the entrepreneurial spirit) to stand on the corners.   

I don't have any answers... and this pandemic has offered the mixed blessing
of forcing me to consider a lot of different questions.   If my garden this
year begins to produce, I think I'll be setting up a self-serve farm-stand
at the top of my drive with three options:  A) if you need some, takes some;
B) if you can afford a few $$, drop it in the collection box; C) do someone
you know in more need than you a solid...  bring them some food or give
*them* the $$ you would have left in the box.

I may also use that "farm stand" as a way to gift away some the 2 cords of
books I still have filling a covered trailer...  like a "little library" but
with a larger selection.  "farm and book stand"?   

Meanwhile, I hope we all find more ways to be kind and "pay it forward,
backward, and sideways".

- Steve

On 4/22/20 12:40 PM, thompnicks...@gmail.com
<mailto:thompnicks...@gmail.com>  wrote:



Thanks for your kind note. 


If you'll dump a little change into "mine", I will dump a little change into
"yours".  I just think it's way to help these folks feel that somebody has
noticed what they are doing and is aware of what has happened to them.  






Nicholas Thompson

Emeritus Professor of Ethology and Psychology

Clark University

 <mailto:thompnicks...@gmail.com> thompnicks...@gmail.com




From: Friam  <mailto:friam-boun...@redfish.com> <friam-boun...@redfish.com>
On Behalf Of Steven A Smith
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2020 12:29 PM
To: friam@redfish.com <mailto:friam@redfish.com> 
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Fundraiser by Christina Z. : Ohoris Staff Relief Fund


Nick -

Thanks for the link.  Ohori's is not my goto, but I'm 100% with the spirit.
I have had no traction on trying to extend this kind of help TO my regular
go-tos.   I am of a mind that at the very least, my weekly *tip* budget
could go straight into the same pockets it used to with no harm to me...
and as you point out, my entire luxury food/services budget could go that
way as well.   

I'll check for other go-fund-me's in SFe and would love to hear from others
who have discovered similar to yours here.

- Steve

To The Mother Church, 

As you know, I am addicted to coffee and particularly to coffee houses, and
particularly to Ohori's-next-to-Kaune's, where I like to loll in the
sunshine of a late afternoon like the flea-bitten old dog that I am.  Over
the years I have come to befriend and greatly admire the Barista's of Santa
Fe.  They remind me of graduate students.  Many of them are using barista
work to make possible independent scholarship, artistic careers, and musical
careers, pursued for the sheer love of it.  So when the virus hit in March
and many of them lost work, I tried to set up some sort of a fund to help
them. But not being gig-economy type,  I couldn't see how to do it.  

Now, to my delight, one of the workers has set up a gofundme site. 


I am hoping that those of you who have shared my pleasure in dealing with
these young folks will make some sort of a donation, if only as a token of
your support.  

I am figuring it this way:  I am saving about 7 - 10 dollars a day in
latte's and zucchini bread (AND lost three pounds).  I figure that savings
ought to go to them.  

It would be a great kindness to me if you would pitch in. 

All the best, 



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