Of course. Sorry for *hiding* it. But when I said one "changing color" isn't 
different from another "changing color", I was focusing on color changes. 
That's why I said the full clause "changing color" after both examples. I'm 
sorry for not trying to make that more clear... maybe all caps ... or asterisks.

On 5/13/20 8:22 AM, Steven A Smith wrote:
> I will niggle at your statement that "there is no behavioral difference
> between celery changing color and a paper towel changing color" though I
> accept that the (more) interesting distinction is between the mechanisms
> in each.   Replace your celery stalk with a giant sequoia and make your
> paper towel roll equally tall, and maybe you sense my issue.   By
> observing the (behavioural) difference between the sequoia's leaves
> taking up fuscia dye at it's crown and the paper towel roll only taking
> it up a few meters high (postulate a waterproof and very strong
> core-roll to keep it from sagging/breaking with the added weight), we
> might *then* impute that their dyed-water uptake is based on differing
> mechanisms.   At this scale/context of observation, I think the
> *mechanism* (or it's behaviour) is hidden whilst the
> macro-(quantitatively and qualitatively?) behaviour is exposed (visible).

☣ uǝlƃ

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