You mean my larding doesn’t look like this?



Could somebody send me a screen shot of how it comes out on your computer?    



Nick Thompson <>


From: Friam <> On Behalf Of Steve Smith
Sent: Monday, November 29, 2021 4:43 PM
Subject: [FRIAM] Lardy Lardy!


I fixed the larding for you. 8^D

"If you feed a man some lard.... 

    ...but if you *teach* a man to lard... "  

I don't know what mailtool Nick uses but the style of lardation (my coinage, 
rhymes with "tarnation") Nick affects seems just downright hazardous to the 

[NST===>What!?  It’s designed to be the ultimate in reader friendliness.  If 
you guys would get off your text only schtik and dirty your skirts with a 
little html muck you would see how supremely incisive and convenient my larding 
is.  <===nst] 

It seems that it is upon one of the Santa Fe denizens to sit down cheek-to-jowl 
(N95-to-Bandana) with Nick and help him learn one of the conventional idioms 
for text-larding.

My own Larding may be faulty I realize because I let it flow from what is easy 
with Thunderbird (my mail tool of choice) and since I (re)read my own material 
in Thunderbird I would never know if it renders uglified elsewhere/weiz.

The UNIX mailtool technique/support I grew up with was simply to add a series 
of > like a shell prompt at the start of each line which might or might not 
include a prefix unique identifier:


>>>line from message three iterations back

>> line from message 2 iterations back (presumably in response to the line 
>> above)

> line from previous message with two "greater than" '>' symbols


GEPR>>>>some statement

NST>>> some rephrasing of/commentary on the above statement

GEPR>> pithy retort

SASS > dumbass interjection oblique to pithy retort to rephrasing of some 

current final response to the above by the current correspondent as indicated 
in mail header

HTML formatting editors (including T-Bird) seem to do their alternative well 
enough, but I could be biased.





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