Given today's reports of the SCOTUS decision on guns, do you think the
Dutch would accept two refugees from the U.S.?
TJ in Malta

Tom Johnson
Inst. for Analytic Journalism
Santa Fe, New Mexico

On Thu, Jun 23, 2022, 7:34 PM Steve Smith <> wrote:

> Phellow Phriammers -
> I haven't heard much discussion of the ongoing tragedy in Ukraine on the
> list, not that it is our charter...
> I don't know if we have another Euro on our list besides Jochen, there
> must be some?   Lurkers?  Jenny, of course, but she is a lurker (hi
> Jenny!) in Alaska for the summer while we keep her house warm for a bit.
> After 5 (of 7) weeks in UK/EU I am really amazed and impressed by the
> very expansive support for Ukrainian refugees.  This of course flies
> somewhat in the face of those other refugees who do not have as much
> popular support, yet overall northern Europe seems ever so much
> welcoming and conscious than the US (on average) to refugees of all
> kinds.   There *does* seem to be a modest populist
> anti-muslim/anti-immigrant movement even here in uber-tolerant Holland,
> but where we have been, we have not seen that evidenced openly.  The
> professional/liberal people we discuss such things with assure us that
> such an undercurrent is here, but in my own life I only have to go one
> degree of separation in family and neighbors and two in friends to find
> significant anti-immigrant sentiment, including Ukrainian.   I guess
> Fox-News broadcasts don't reach Europe?
> Meanwhile, Vlada, Mary's Nephew's (early 30s) Ukrainian-of-interest has
> progressed from merely escaping Ukraine in the first month to Poland to
> finally being allowed/offered entry to the US under Wil and his wife's
> sponsorship.  She had been an exchange student with them a few years ago
> and they stayed in touch, and jumped to her aide when this came down
> (spent their own funds, organized a kickstarter).   She has yet to be
> able to obtain a Ukrainian passport, but that is scheduled through the
> Ukrainian Embassy in Poland.  It sounds as if the delays are entirely
> bureaucratic and (for the moment) the US programs are ready to allow her
> in with their sponsorship.   Perhaps the queues to resolve Ukrainian
> passports are prioritized to support those who do not have a safe place
> to land already (in this case Poland where she is now).
> I had thought that perhaps we could personally do something to help
> while here, though it is not obvious what.   Meet her and escort her
> back on the plane, hand-walk her paperwork with her? I have not met or
> spoken with her but her year in Wisconsin as a teen a few years ago
> tuned up her American English and some understanding of our systems and
> culture.   it looks every so much better for her now than it did the
> first month or so... even if the grind IN Ukraine is as bad or worse
> than ever.
> Tomorrow we take a train in the rain to The Hague to visit the Het en
> Paleis where a large collection of Escher's work sit and given the rain
> I went to schedule a taxi or uber and found that Uber has a
> Uber-for-Ukraine choice where EU$1 goes to a fund with every ride.
> Again I am astounded by the level of support here. Perhaps UberUSA does
> the same?
> We have seen no shortages of anything in our travels but a *modest*
> awareness that roughly 40% of every liter of petrol or aviation fuel is
> funding Putin to continue.  We hear that there is fear of grain
> shortages, but it seems that the worst of that will hit north Africa and
> the middle East first (since Europe proper has pretty strong agriculture
> themselves?)
> The Netherlands (as at least DaveW will likely attest from his time
> here) is an amazing study in calm, quiet, positive joyfulness for the
> most part.   We have not heard a raised voice, and even the (many) dogs
> hardly bark!   Downtown Amsterdam (and esp the Red Light District) is of
> course a Disney/LasVegas tourist sh*tShow but outside of that are it
> seems at *worst* like a clean and *flat* version of the Bay Area.  And
> here:  Stuff like this gives me the warm-fuzzies:
> I can just see the in-person FriAM crowd huddled around a rocking chair
> or a computer needing a fresh battery or memory upgrade!
> I think the ThurAM vFriAM crowd is online as I type this and I suppose I
> could dial in there, but instead I'll just sign off here.   This
> latitude (52N) makes for some damn-long days around Solstice.
> Welcome Back to a keyboard/screen Nick, I hope you sort the Monsoon
> Season question.   I'm bamboozled by the EU weather patterns with no
> reference for where the hot/humid masses are coming from and what things
> (e.g. Rocky Mountains) they are hitting and how the Jet Stream streams
> here.   There has been a mild heat-wave but really it is the *constant*
> humidity that I notice, even though that is not overwhelming...  I hear
> there are pre-monsoons in NM this week or are they proto-Monsoons?
> - Steve
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