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On Aug 18, 2022, at 10:01 PM, Marcus Daniels <> wrote:

The retina isn't perfect by any means, and the visual cortex must fix its 
inputs to make vision seem better than the raw inputs.    This is from memory, 
but I can look up references.

-----Original Message-----
From: Friam <> On Behalf Of Prof David West
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2022 8:56 PM
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] dystopian vision(s)

An analogy that might clarify what was being conveyed in the original post:

A RAW image - no compression, no processing - is what the brain/mind can 

JPEG is the image after going through the "survival filter" - both compression 
and adjustments to saturation, contrast, and sharpness. There are all kinds of 
advantages to JPEG, but "accuracy/fidelity" is not one of them. Consider all 
the consternation amateur photographers had a few months back with their phones 
failing to capture the redness of the sky in San Francisco and other parts of 

Drugs, so the advocates claim, are not an alternate transformation—not HEIF—but 
simply a removal of the compression/processing mechanism entirely.

Of course, even RAW is lossy: a few million pixels  captured from the near 
infinity of discrete photons available.  I suspect the brain/mind is less 
lossy, but to what degree?

And my own experiences, both chemical and meditative, suggest to me that some 
kind of patterned sense making is still going on because my 
'mind/consciousness' still interprets things — I still see the Argus Goat 
(sometimess a ram instead of a goat, with multiple eyes, often conflated with 
Argus Panoptes) allbeit It and I might have a conversation.


On Thu, Aug 18, 2022, at 2:15 PM, glen wrote:
I'm glad you softened it. Codependence *is* "organic to the nature of
one's existence". What I worry about are those that idealize
themselves as only codependent on some singular thing, which is what
you're calling out when you talk about identification with thrill
seeking or whatever. It's the single-ness that's the problem, not the 

Marcus and Dave seem tightly analogous in their positive responses to
technological entheogens and physio-chemical ehtheogens, respectively.
And you, being a bit of an ehtheogen-teatotaler, if I've understood
correctly, align with Marcus. In contrast, I'm agnostic about the
origins and pathway of any entheogens I might become codependent upon.
Drugs, even very old ones brewed up by one-eyed witches in the outback
bush, *are* technology, nearly identical to the Mojo Lens or the
Neuralink. What's that stanza from Alice in Chains?
What's my drug of choice?
Well, what have you got?
I don't go broke
And I do it a lot

On 8/18/22 11:36, Steve Smith wrote:

On 8/18/22 9:47 AM, glen wrote:
Yeah. I'm not as concerned as you seem to be about the addictive nature of 
alternative perspectives. Obviously, because my whole schtick is about 
attempting to take alternative perspectives. The addict has to admit they have 
a problem before treatment will work, eh?
My use of the term "addictive" was unfortunate.  I didn't mean it
particularly perjoratively.   I mostly just meant the awareness that one can 
become "codependent" on substances/experiences which are not otherwise organic 
to the nature of one's existence in-context. Tarzan and his friends may have 
done something vaguely similar to bungee jumping and skydiving (vine swinging 
and cliff diving), but those who have made the high-tech equivalents of those 
experiences part of their very persona have "given over" in some way that may 
or may not be something to "worry about"...  it is just in a practical sense a 
"commitment".  I have known plenty of people who have made "commitments" to all 
kinds of things/substances (caffiene, nicotine, alcohol, thc, gucose, lipids, 
parkour, etc) which they are virtually symbiotic with (addicted to?).   I have 
my own practical commitments to all kinds of behaviours and consumptions which 
are effectively now *part of who I am*.  I might have been a somewhat different 
person today if I had never become "committed" to alcohol, caffiene, 
earning/spending $USD, driving planes, trains, automobiles, etc.

But if we adopt the perspective of the "longtermists", "transhumansits", or 
similar, and believe that essentialist computation is the limit point, the 
thing just over the horizon toward which evolution works, then our *brain* is 
one of the first/best instantiations of such computers. (Maybe I need scare 
quotes, there, too ... "computers"?) Quantum comput[ers|ing] is a close second 
only because too many people are ignorant enough of current computing to think 
hard about its limitations.

FWIW I was just re-introduced to Bostrom's Astronomical Waste 
<> arguement in the context of a New 
Yorker Article on Effective Altruism which I think you have referenced a few 
times here.   A more computationally/entropic framed version of the Dyson 
Sphere <> (or more originally the 
Stapledon Light Trap):

   An excerpt from/Star Maker/which mentions Dyson spheres:

       Not only was every solar system now surrounded by a gauze of light 
traps, which focused the escaping solar energy for intelligent use, so that the 
whole galaxy was dimmed, but many stars that were not suited to be suns were 
disintegrated, and rifled of their prodigious stores of subatomic energy.

So another form of Dave's argument, still metaphysical, is this Smolin-esque 
(or even Schrödinger-esque ala negentropy?) concept that our objective(s) is 
tightly coupled pockets of deep computation. And *that*, given that our brains 
are fantastic computers, gives some weight to the idea that deep and broad 
introspection gets one closer to God, closer to the objective, closer to the 
real occult Purpose behind it all in much the same way as studying quantum 
mechanics and quantum computation.

My argument *against* that is that even if tightly coupled (coherent) pockets 
of computation are a crucial element, so is the interstitial space *between* 
the tight pockets ... like black holes orbiting each other or somesuch. It's 
not merely the individual pocket/computer that's interesting, it's the 
formation, dissolution, and interaction of the pockets that's more interesting. 
Actually, then, the *void* is more interesting than the non-void.


Panic! At the Disks: First Rest-frame Optical Observations of Galaxy
Structure at z>3 with JWST in the SMACS 0723 Field

I appreciate having near-peers who are "peering" into the same general (vaguely 
familiar) areas of the fractal abyss that I am...

On 8/18/22 08:03, Steve Smith wrote:
The experience *I* have (or the way I have mostly interpreted it) with various 
ways of "playing around with my interface/membrane/boundary" is that 
alternatively addictive to the point of becoming "essential" and a "vertiginous 
stare into the abyss" at the same time.    I'm not talking particularly or 
specifically about ingesting entheogens or any other substance known to acutely 
adjust reality.  There are (obviously) many other ways to "play around with the 
boundary". For what it is worth, Pandora is playing Denver's iconic "Rocky 
Mountain High" in the background as I complete this paragraph.

I currently attribute this to the alone/all-one duality and the flexibility 
(elastic and plastic) nature of self-other boundaries (membranes?) as a 
conscious ego.   (Sting - How Fragile we are on Pandora now, segueing into judy 
Collins' Both Sides Now).

If I take "the Uni/Multi-verse" to be nothing more/less than a single complex 
adaptive system which can(not) be reduced to a system of systems (only 
reduceable by an imperfectly isolated system (self) which has a compressed 
"model" of the universe as a system of systems of which it"self" is a perfectly 
isolated subsystem(self)) then the experience of self-other and "gaining 
insight/parallax into (R)reality" isn't all that puzzling (to this self's model 
of itself within the universal).

This of course still leaves (for this illusory "self") the "hard problem" of 
the fact (rather than the nature) of (subjective) experience itself...

I have a feeling (in my subjective experience as a self) that the "breath of 
consciousness" might be the compression/decompression cycle itself?   Talking 
(linearly) about this stuff is a fractal/recursive minefield of rabbit-holes 
worthy of Alice tripping on Entheogens?

- Steve

On 8/18/22 8:34 AM, glen wrote:
Parallax is an important technique for getting at things just *beyond* one's 
current representational power. So, were I to try to steelman your argument, 
I'd suggest that, yes, the process by which our bodies refine/focus/hone-down 
our attention to a smaller, compressed thing from a larger thing (whether the 
largess is "noise" or not is a tangent) is important. And the entheogens 
permute that honing down, that reduction, to create a different transformation.

It's reasonable to speculate that the transformation we execute under the 
influence of an entheogen might be *less* reductive than that we execute when 
"sober". But to argue that the transformation under the influence is a more 
accurate match to reality is fraught. Less reductive? Sure. More accurate? 
Well, that would require us to go into that tangent. What do we mean by more 
accurate? Does randomness exist? Etc.

So we might want to be careful with that crossing between relatively tame 
statements like "entheogens alter the cross-membrane transformation providing 
parallax toward the out there" versus more metaphysical statements like 
"entheogens provide a better transformation (or no tranformation) across the 
boundary to the out there".

Thanks for clarifying. I think I have a better understanding of the argument. 
Those of us who play around with our interface probably *do* have a better 
understanding of reality than those of us imprisoned by their one, sole 
interface. But we don't need to go so far as to say a drugged mind is more 
capable of perceiving the real reality.

On 8/16/22 17:16, Prof David West wrote:
If you assume, or believe, that the mind (body-brain-embodied mind-Atman) 
naturally processes 100% of the inputs and assume/believe that a survival 
enhancing mechanism filters that stream to create the illusionary subset that 
we call Reality, then entheogens work to dismantle the filtering mechanism and 
expose the Real Reality.

Missing in my first post was a hidden premise, that any augmentations 
(Neuralink, et. al.) are almost certainly based on whatever we think we 
understand of the filtering mechanism, not the Mind, and therefore would 
augment/enhance that mechanism and therefore lead to results opposite of what 
is desired.

The missing premise is pretty much conjecture on my part but is grounded in an 
advanced, but not expert, understanding of AI and neural network technologies; 
so it should be taken with a tablespoon (thousands of grains) of salt.


On Tue, Aug 16, 2022, at 11:22 AM, glen wrote:
Opposite of what? I don't understand how augmentation is the
opposite of the entheogens (drugs or meditation). Are you saying
that, e.g. the Mojo Lens or Neuralink further restrict, whereas
the entheogens lessen the restriction?

If so, then my guess is you could do the same sort of
restriction modulation with any augmentation device. E.g. if
there are 1 billion possible data feeds you could receive,
decreasing them is like an undrugged person self-censoring and
such, then increasing them is like taking a entheogen ... that is, assuming 

If we reject C-T, then it seems reasonable to argue that the
body "computes" something that any computer-based augmentation
would restrict, by definition, making it impossible to expand
beyond what the augment provides. Computer-based augmentaiton
would provide a hard limit ... an unavoidable abstraction/subset of reality.

On 8/15/22 19:04, Prof David West wrote:
The hallucino-philia (and Buddhist epistemologists) would argue that our brains 
(minds) already fully grasp / cognize / perceive our physical reality. But, for 
survival purposes, it self-censors and presents our 
consciousness/awareness/attention with a small abstract subset of that 
reality—an illusion.

Drugs and meditation are 'subtractive' in that they dismantle the 
abstraction/reduction apparatus that generates the illusion hiding our 

If such a belief were "true" then "augmenting our brains" would be the exact 
opposite, and exceedingly harmful, approach ...

     ...   unless, the augmentation was a permanent [lsd | psylocibin | 
mescaline] drip.

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