Thanks, Jochen. I am on it.  N

On Thu, Feb 16, 2023 at 10:52 AM Jochen Fromm <> wrote:

> It reminds me of this book:
> The Zoologist's Guide to the Galaxy
> -J.
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Nicholas Thompson <>
> Date: 2/16/23 10:22 AM (GMT+01:00)
> To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group <>
> Cc: Mike Bybee <>
> Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Thuram still happening?
> DISCUSS: If we were Martians sent to earth to study animal life EXCLUSIVE
> OF human life, would we ever have come up with the idea of categories?
> What is there that animals do that demands us to invent categories to
> explain their behavior?  Could we build a theory of animal life based
> solely on associations among experiences... their experiences, not ours.
> n
> On Wed, Feb 15, 2023 at 6:14 PM Nicholas Thompson <>
> wrote:
>> Sorry, Dave.  Will miss you.  You have been my most faithful recent
>> companion in my quest for windmills to topple. As for your double take, I
>> probably used the wrong initials. I was thinking about the AI thing which,
>> I gather, Bing is now employing to get us all advice on how to cure our
>> lumbago, without ever having to bother with that nasty Mayo Clinic website.
>> I see why you want to substitute “cloud” for my link metaphor. It’s
>> easier to think of clouds probabilistically.  Clouds are awfully passive
>> entities to serve in the way I need them to.  Clouds are not, in the
>> first instance, things but visualizations of things. (They can themselves
>> become things, but Idon’t think you have anticipated that metaphoric
>> implication.)   my ”links” are more deterministic than your clouds. I
>> admit that “probabilistic link” is a hard image to think, and therefore not
>> a very evocative metaphor. How about ”woodland path”  Woodland pathways
>> provide a more dynamic image than “links”.  Started by a rabbit, adopted
>> by a coyote, exploited by a deer, blundered into by a cow, woodland
>> pathways flourish or fail by use and by the attractiveness of the nodes
>> where they converge or cross.  Each use favors future use and nodes become
>> prominent not only for their inherent attractiveness but because they are
>> on the way to.  attractive nodes.  Thus Sublette KS is a well traveled node
>> not only because of the tourist attraction of visiting the place where the
>> 1917-18  ("spanish") flu got its start, but also because it happens to be
>> on the shortest route from NYC to LA.  .
>>  in thinking about this, we should focus on the animal case.  Humans are
>> too complicated to be interesting. Also, I think we should focus on animals
>> in currently living in their "environment of evolutionary adaptiveness."
>> I wish we could entice Glen, and Mike, and Stephen to drop in on us
>> around 11 tomorrow,if only to show your faces. The node is
>> Nick
>> *From:* Friam <> *On Behalf Of *Prof David West
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, February 15, 2023 1:24 PM
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* Re: [FRIAM] Thuram still happening?
>> I will be traveling to Wisconsin tomorrow and miss Thuram.
>> 2-cents: a word cloud might be a more useful metaphor than a semantic
>> net, just because of the formalisms employed in the latter. True a cloud
>> lacks explicit links, but such might be lightly sprinkled therein.
>> Did a huge double take at the last word in Nick's post. CBT, in one of
>> the communities I associate with, has a far different meaning than, I
>> think, Nick intended. And I would be 'they' used it first.
>> davew
>> On Wed, Feb 15, 2023, at 11:19 AM, wrote:
>> FWiW, I willmake every effort to arrive fed to Thuam by 10.30 Mountain.
>> I want to hear the experts among you hold forth on WTF a cateogory actually
>> IS.  I am thinking (duh) that a category is a more or less diffuse node in
>> a network of associations (signs, if you must).  Hence they constitute a
>> vast table of what goes with what, what is predictable from what, etc.
>> This accommodates “family resemblance”  quite nicely.  Do I think animals
>> have categories, in this sense, ABSOLUTELY EFFING YES. Does this make me a
>> (shudder) nominalist?  I hope not.
>> Words…nouns in particular… confuse this category business.  Words place
>> constraints on how vague these nodes can be.   They impose on the network
>> constraints to which it is ill suited.  True, the more my associations with
>> “horse” line up with your associations with “horse”, the more true the
>> horse seems.  Following Peirce, I would say that where our nodes
>> increasingly correspond with increasing shared experience, we have evidence
>> ot the (ultimate) truth of the nodes, their “reality” in Peirce’s terms.
>> Here is where I am striving to hang on to Peirce’s realism.
>> The reason I want the geeks to participate tomorrow is that I keep
>> thinking of a semantic webby thing that Steve devised for the Institute
>> about a decade ago.   Now a semantic web would be a kind of metaphor for an
>> associative web; don’t associate with other words in exactly the same
>> manner in which experiences associate with other experiences.  Still, I
>> think the metaphor is interesting.  Also, I am kind of re-interested in my
>> “authorial voice”, how much it operates like cbt.
>> Rushing,
>> Nick
>> *From:* Friam <> *On Behalf Of *Eric Charles
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, February 15, 2023 10:29 AM
>> *To:* The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group <
>> *Subject:* Re: [FRIAM] Thuram still happening?
>> Well shoot..... that would do it.... Thank you!
>> On Wed, Feb 15, 2023 at 12:28 PM Frank Wimberly <>
>> wrote:
>> Today is Wednesday, isn't it?
>> ---
>> Frank C. Wimberly
>> 140 Calle Ojo Feliz,
>> Santa Fe, NM 87505
>> 505 670-9918
>> Santa Fe, NM
>> On Wed, Feb 15, 2023, 10:19 AM Eric Charles <
>>> wrote:
>> Are the Thursday online meetings still happening? I missed a few weeks
>> due to work piling up meetings on, but I'm trying to log in now, and it
>> looks like the meeting hasn't started.
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