Very smart to put my question re: CEOs vs AI to ChatGPT. My question regarded “medium and long-term” capabilities. Your query to the bot was for the present time. And yet, nevertheless, I interpret the bot’s response to you to be, essentially, that there are certain CEO positions that AI capability can fill right now - with some qualifications. I’d say that’s a bit disrupting.

And we could hope that CEOs everywhere are in fact already asking ChatGPT, et alia to "help" them with some of the problems they maybe believe that they might/could/should be able to help with? I'm guessing *some* CEOs have amazing admins or executive teams at their elbow already doing this, and some of them will consult the AI-Oracle and thereby become *better* at their jobs quickly?

Since some of us here (not me) make their living coding daily, I can imagine that your code is already being improved.  A close colleague of mine who does in fact code daily but is also something of a skeptic of the *hype* around AI gave over two weeks ago and began experimenting.  He claims that it doesn't really help him *write* code but it does help him verify it in ways that a "first reader" might, but that a compiler wouldn't (raising the level of analysis form syntactic to semantic?).

Glen already exposed us to a text summarizer and I find this to be a good use of ChatGPT for myself...   perhaps I should run all my FriAM posts through it and see if it can succinctify me?  As thus?!:

   /The exchange discusses the potential of AI to fill CEO positions
   presently and in the future, with certain qualifications. It
   suggests that CEOs may already be using AI to improve their job
   performance. The conversation also touches on how AI can improve
   coding by verifying it in ways a compiler cannot. Finally, the
   exchange mentions using ChatGPT as a text summarizer to make posts
   more concise./

On Sat, Apr 1, 2023 at 12:57 PM Stephen Guerin <> wrote:

    On Sat, Apr 1, 2023, 8:29 AM Roger Critchlow <> wrote:

        I tried to get Bard to talk with me about the adjacent
        possible (AP) the other day.  It agreed that the AP could not
        be represented as a mathematical set, but it continued to talk
        about the AP as if it were a set.  So it suggested formulating
        the AP as a graph, or a tree, or as the states of a dynamical
        system.  I pushed for a non-set formalism and it gave me fuzzy
        sets.  I guess I have to try harder.

    Roger, Cool. Can you say more about a different formalization
    you're after?

    Stu's Theory Of The Adjacent Possible is currently formalized with
    an exponentially increasing set

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Grant Holland
Santa Fe, NM

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