At inference time, there are constraints on beam search, like how deep to 
search or grammatical constraints on what is collected, and conditions for 
stopping.  It could respond with composition of recursive function, for 
example.  Like people, generative learning will depend on reusable patterns 
that have been shown to be robust – delegate some calculations to the von 
Neumann architecture compute machine to ascertain that robustness.


From: Friam <> On Behalf Of Russ Abbott
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2024 12:11 PM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group <>
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] To what questions can't an LLM in principle respond to?


Yann Lecun points out that an LLM will take the same number of steps to 
construct its response to any input. So, in principle, an LLM can't respond to 
any question that requires more than a fixed finite number of steps.


-- Russ


On Fri, Jul 12, 2024, 10:19 AM Marcus Daniels < 
<> > wrote:

What questions can’t a LLM in principle respond?   


And you may ask yourself,  “Well, how did I get here?”  

And you may ask yourself,  “How do I work this?”


From: Friam < <> > On 
Behalf Of Nicholas Thompson
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2024 10:09 AM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group < 
<> >
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Is consciousness a mystery? (used to be 




I agree with you that  your two conditions


  if 1) it had continuous real time training and 2) the training was coupled to 
the physical world through an array of sensors. 


necessary for a system to be conscious.  but unless you assert these conditions 
define a conscious system, you leave begging the question of what sort of 
experiences would lead you to assert that such a system is conscious.   If, on 
the other hand, you do take these condition to be defining, then the statement 
that such a system is conscious is a tautology, without empirical implication.  


On Fri, Jul 12, 2024 at 12:50 PM Marcus Daniels < 
<> > wrote:

Some supercomputer networks an effective radix of 64.  Blue Gene Q had 
five-dimensional real torus for connectivity.    These network fabrics are 
typically autonomous remote DMA systems that are configured so that processors 
do not have to intervene in data transfers.  

Extreme ultraviolet lithography systems can fabricate 100 layers for a digital 

It seems to me a LLM would have a sort of consciousness if 1) it had continuous 
real time training and 2) the training was coupled to the physical world 
through an array of sensors.  

From: Friam < <> > On 
Behalf Of Prof David West
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2024 9:00 AM
To: <> 
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Is consciousness a mystery? (used to be 


Two separate responses:


first to Steve—Personally, I do believe in the spectrum of "consciousness" you 
suggest with, perhaps a nuance. One contributor tot he spectrum is simply 
quantity; a quanta has 1 'bit' of consciousness, an octopus has 
Domegegemegrottebyte (real thing according to Wikipedia) 'bits'. A more 
significant contributor is "organization." Molecules with differing numbers of 
atoms of the same elements, organized differently, have very different 
properties and behaviors. A human and an octopus might have the same number of 
bits of consciousness, but the organization of those bits (in an N-dimensional 
space) is radically different.


   This means it may be possible to say that some threshold quantity and and 
organization results in entities being included in the set of generically 
conscious things, it is unlikely we will ever be able to say that 
Consciousness-Human is identical to or even similar to Consciousness-octopus.


BTW: much of my antipathy to AI claims arises from this perspective. A machine 
very well might have the requisite number of 'bits' of consciousness from the 
material of which the embodying machine is composed (and the fact that every 
1/0 bit of the executing code has a 'bit' of consciousness) and those bits will 
be 'organized' sufficiently to join the generic set; but machine consciousness 
will never equate to human consciousness. My objections to machine 
"intelligence" comes from the fact that machines do not have the N-dimensional 
organization of humans or octopi.


to Nick—


   Beware blatant anthropomorphism (applied to both Dave and Dusty)


Dave is sleepy and calm.

Dusty is anxious and afraid.

Dusty crawls onto Dave's shoulder and finds reassurance and security.

Dave is tolerant and does not shove Dusty off bed.

Dave senses Dusty's need for reassurance and rests his arm across her back and 
lets her stay as she is.

Dusty relaxes and goes to sleep.


Love is not present in this transaction, unless you presume that a series of 
prior interactions created a kind of meta-state of Lovingness between the two 
and absent that state the interactions  and 'feelings; as presented would not 
have occurred. But, perhaps Dave is just an (occasionally) good Buddhist 
showing Dusty the same respect he would express to any living being?





On Thu, Jul 11, 2024, at 7:02 PM, steve smith wrote:


Nick -


(of course) I've larded up my usual style of response below (maybe only for my 
own need to "express" the buildup of mental-pus that comes with everything I 
hear here and elsewhere) but to save you (and anyone else who cares) the burden 
of parsing a few dozen lines of back-and-forth, I offer the punchline.  If you 
are curious about how I came to said (vaguely) concise punchline you can read 
the rest after the <horizontal line> element below:


A) Can you recognize that there is a spectrum/continuum of things you would 
acknowledge as "conscious" between the two extrema (perhaps) of a (presumably 
apex-complex) human/cephalopod/cetacean and that of a quark or a brane or a 
string-loop or some abstract monad?  B) if yes, what are the implications of 
this?  or C) why does quantizing "conscioiusness" into "humans like me" and 
"every other bit of life" feel necessary, useful or appealing?




If FriAM typical discourse is the Thunderstorm, is this a (weak) cuddle?






The scale of your response alone suggests that it cannot be baby steps.  

Thus recognizing it was more of a baby (naive) pentathalon (long, arduous and 
multi-modal) hellride of a traverse through the implied space.


I guess I am proposing a method here, one inn we work outward from an evocative 
experience to explore our understandings of contraversial concepts, and that we 
do it in relatively short bursts. 

yes, let us extrude short strands of noodle and see how they criss-cross.


Dusty comes to cuddle with David when she hears thunder.

Does Dusty love David?

Dave (or does he self-identify as David?) loves Dusty and finds Dusty's 
cuddling sufficiently similar/familiar to his own cuddling to attribute it to 
love if he is in the mood to do so.

If yes, what else would you expect Dusty to do with  respect to David. given 
you have made that attribution.

If no, what more would have Dusty have to do, before you would make such an 

Qualified yes...    Dusty could cower under the bed, leaving Dave to choose to 
coax Dusty out and cuddle Dusty, giving Dusty the "love" or at least comfort 
which Dave would offer as the closest cross-species expression of love he knows 
how to offer in this moment.  Dave loves Dusty, Dusty dog-loves Dave.  They are 
reciprocal but asymmetric in quality, even if either would give their lives for 
the other? 

I would like to respond to an inference that there is something patronizing 
about my insisting on a method, as if  I think you need thought-therapy and I 
am the guy to give it.

If in fact you were to have intended (consciously or not) as patronizing, I 
take it as an gesture of love, of filial empathy, of generous guidance from 
someone who has been around at least as many trees as I have...   I definitely 
need or seek thought/spiritual therapy/guaidance from every quarter, including 
this one.

In reply, I only would say that if somebody were willing to ask me short, 
to-the-point questions about my thinking on any matter and explore carefully my 
answers, I would eternally grateful.   I might even cuddle with them in a 

I would choose to give you this level of fine-grain attention around your 
fascination with vortices in the context of meteorology (and other domains) 
more than this domain, but if this is the one you prefer (for the moment), let 
me ask a short, three-part but to-the-point question (and leave it to you to 
ignore the fecundly laden pregnant assumptions hidden by the implied simplicity 
of the construction):  

A) Can you recognize that there is a spectrum/continuum of things you would 
acknowledge as "conscious" between the two extrema (perhaps) of a (presumably 
apex-complex) human/cephalopod/cetacean and that of a quark or a brane or a 
string-loop or some abstract monad?  B) if yes, what are the implications of 
this?  or C) why does quantizing "conscioiusness" into "humans like me" and 
"every other bit of life" feel necessary, useful or appealing?








On Thu, Jul 11, 2024 at 4:05 PM steve smith < 
<> > wrote:

Nick -

I'm glad you acknowledged (in another branch of this thread?) the "grumpiness" 
aspect of your initiation/participation in this thread.  Your analogy around 
thought/feeling "expression" and that of pimple popping is in fact very apt if 
a bit graphic.  I do think many of us want this apparently deeply 
thorny/paradoxical problem to be easier than it is?   And the plethora of 
complexly subtle dis/mis-agreements on language around consciousness, 
intelligence, cognition, (self) awareness, qualia complicates that yet more. 

I don't know if my own baby-steps are helpful, given that my 
background/perspective might align more with DaveW than most others here (I'm 
very sympathetic with a pan-consciousness perspective)?  maybe it parses as 
baby-babble more than baby-steps...

I missed most of this (and related) threads but am surprised at where this 
seems to be going. I always associated consciousness with subjective experience 
and not necessarily with self awareness. The "hard problem of consciousness" is 
qualia, not self-awareness. No? An AI agent cannot understand language on 
anything other than a superficial basis because it has no idea what, for 
example "wet," means. Nevertheless, it will be quite good at stringing words 
together that say coherent things about wetness. An AI agent has no idea about 
anything. At the same time, an AI agent will be quite good at creating coherent 
statements about very many things. Just because an AI agent is able to create 
coherent statements does not mean that those statements reflect the agent's 
ideas--since it has no ideas.


Russ's  point here is a good pivot point for me in this conversation if it is 
possible to make the pivot.  It may not be. 

Knowing and Knowing-About:

  I use the former to be the quality of qualia... not easily formalizeable nor 
quantifiable nor with obvious models which are not intrinsically subjective.   
"Knowing-About" is for me reserved for the formalized models of "facts about 
the world and relations between ideas" and when I say "formalized" I don't 
preclude storytelling or the highly vilified "just so stories".  

Formalized mathematical, statistical, logical models with digital computer 
simulations (or analog electronic, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic "circuits" 
or "systems")  are "knowing about"...  a steam train for example embodies 
"knowing about" converting carbon-fuel into linear motion across long 
distances, carrying heavy loads by way of many repeatable mechanisms...   the 
implementation and operation of such a device/system is a "proof" in some sense 
of the design. 

 On top of that design/system are other design/systems (say the logic of 
Railroad Robber Baronages) upon which yet other systems (say 
Industrial-revolution era proto-hyper-capitalism) on top of which rides 
trans-global corporatism and nationalism in their own "gyre and gimbal"  with a 
in intra-stellar and eventually inter-stellar variation in the sense of 
Asimov's Foundation and Empire or perhaps for the youth culture here (under 
60?) George Lucas' Star Wars Empire or Roddenberry's Star Trek Federation vs 


A the lowest level consciousness or perhaps proto-consciousness registers for 
me as "having a model of the world useful for guiding behaviour toward 
surviving/thriving/reproducing/collectivizing".     This permeates all of life 
from somewhere down at the single-celled bacteria/archaea/fungi/phyto-thingies/ 
 up to and through vertebrates/mammals/hominids/sapiens 

On the reflection of whether my cat or dog, or the hummingbirds outside my 
window or the mice trying to sneak back into my house have "consciousness", or 
even more pointedly the mosquito I slapped into a blood (my blood by the way) 
spot on my forearm last night, have "consciousness"...   while each of these 
appear to have a "consciousness" I know it to be variously more or less 
familiar to my own.   My elaborate (unfettered?) imagination allows me to make 
up (just so?) stories about how cetaceans, cephalapods, jellyfish all variously 
have aspects of their "consciousness' that I could (do?) recognize (empathize 
with?).   So I would want a multivalued function with at least two simple 
scalars: Familiarity-to-Me(Conscioiusness) and Potency-of(Consciousness), pick 
your scale... my identical twin or maybe conjoined twin might max out on the 
first scale while a nematode or a bacterium might trail off toward nil on the 
first AND second scale.  And beyond the scale of organic life into artificial 
life and  beyond, the "familiarity" of a glider or oscillator in the GameO'Life 
or the braided rings of Saturn, even less significant but not zero?   The 
Potency-scale seems to be something like *agency* which feels absolute for most 
of us except Robert Sapolsky while the *agency* of an electron or neutrino 
seems registered at *absolute zero*, though the Quantum Consciousness folks 
maybe put it at max and our own more an illusive projection of that?

The idea of "collective individuation" (e.g. mashup of Eleanor Ostrom's 
collectives and Jung's individuation) suggests that perception, cognition, 
intelligence, even consciousness may well be a collective phenomena.   Our 
organs, tissues, cells, organelles, macromolecules, CHON++ molecules, atoms, 
baryons/fermions, quarks, strings, branes  are on a loose hierarchy of 
diminishing Familiarity-Consciousness and Potency-Consciousness.   I'm more 
interested (these days) in the emergent collective consciousness of the 
noosphere and perhaps the symbiotic culture of humanity and life-at-all-scales 
(SCHLAAS?)   it feels wild and science-fictiony to assert that earth's 
biosphere has already (in the last 150 years) conjured a nervous system, a 
global-brain (ala Francis Heylighen: Global Brain Institute) with "our own" Bollen, Joslyn, Rodriguez 
still on the Board of Technical Advisors.   I scoffed at this somewhat 25 years 
ago (mostly because of the hubris of "Global" and "Brain").

OK Nick, so not "baby steps" more like a hyper-baby's mad dash through an 
obstacle course or maybe a pentathalon?   I tried shunting all this to George 
Tremblay IVo but he referred me to Gussie Tumbleroot who cheered me on on my 
careening ideational orbits.  


 - Steve



-- Russ Abbott                                       

Professor Emeritus, Computer Science

California State University, Los Angeles



On Thu, Jul 11, 2024 at 9:30 AM Frank Wimberly < 
<> > wrote:



This is a test to illustrate somethiing about Gmail to Nick.


On Tue, Jul 9, 2024 at 4:37 PM glen < 
<> > wrote:



On July 9, 2024 2:04:29 PM PDT, Prof David West < 
<> > wrote:

Maybe I should not be replying, as I do believe my dogs (and your cat if you 
have one) are conscious.


I have not experienced a Vulcan Mind-Meld with either of my dogs, so I cannot 
say with certainty they are conscious—I must infer it from observations:

1- interactions with other dogs would seem to indicate they "remember" past 
interactions and do not require the same butt-sniffing protocol with dogs they 
have met at the park frequently. Also they seem to remember who plays with who 
and who doesn't. "That ball is not mine, this one is."

2-they modify their behavior depending on the tenor, sharpness, and volume of 
barks, ear positions, tail wagging differences, by the other dogs; e.g., 
"that's enough."

3-They do not communicate to me in English, but seem to accept communication 
from me in that language—not trained responses to commands, but "listening to 
conversations" between myself and Mary and reacting to words (e.g., dog park) 
that are exchanged in those conversations. Mary and I are totally sedentary and 
speaking in conversational tone, so pretty sure there we are not sending 
'signals' akin to training words, training tone of voice.

4-they seem to remember trauma, (one of our dogs spent three days with dead 
owner before anyone knew the owner was deceased and will bite if anyone tries 
to forcefully remove him from my (current bonded owner) presence.

5-seek "psychological comfort" by crawling into my bed and sleeping on my 
shoulder when the thunderstorm comes.


All of these are grounded in anthropomorphism—long considered a deadly error by 
ethologists. (Some contemporary ethologists are exploring accepting and 
leveraging this "error" to extend our understanding of animal behavior.)







On Tue, Jul 9, 2024, at 2:54 PM, Nicholas Thompson wrote:

While I find all the  ancillary considerations raised on the original thread 
extremely interesting,  I would like to reopen the discussion of Conscious as a 
Mystery and ask that those that join it stay close to the question of what 
consciousness is and how we know it when we see it.  Baby Steps.  


Where were we?   I think I was asking Jochen, and perhaps Peitr and anybody 
else who thought that animals were not conscious (i.e., not aware of their own 
awareness)  what basis they had in experience for thinking that..  One offering 
for such an experience is the absence of language in animals.  Because my cat 
cannot  describe his experience in words, he cannot be  conscious.  This 
requires the following syllogism:


Nothing that does not employ a language (or two?) is conscious.

Animals (with ;the possible exception of signing apes) do not employ languages.

Ergo, Animals are not conscious. 


But I was trying to find out the basis for the first premise.  How do we know 
that there are no non-linguistic beings that are not conscious.  I hope we 
could rule out the answer,"because they are non-linguistic",  both in its 
strictly  tautological or merely circular form. 


There is a closely related syllogism which we also need to explore:


All language using beings are conscious.

George Peter Tremblay IV is a language-using being.

George Peter Tremblay IV is conscious. 


Both are valid syllogisms.  But where do the premises come from.



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Frank Wimberly

140 Calle Ojo Feliz

Santa Fe, NM 87505

505 670-9918



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