Granted - "a **sort** of consciousness"

On Fri, Jul 12, 2024, at 11:50 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> Some supercomputer networks an effective radix of 64.  Blue Gene Q had 
> five-dimensional real torus for connectivity.    These network fabrics are 
> typically autonomous remote DMA systems that are configured so that 
> processors do not have to intervene in data transfers.  
> Extreme ultraviolet lithography systems can fabricate 100 layers for a 
> digital processor.   
> It seems to me a LLM would have a sort of consciousness if 1) it had 
> continuous real time training and 2) the training was coupled to the physical 
> world through an array of sensors. 
> *From:* Friam <> *On Behalf Of *Prof David West
> *Sent:* Friday, July 12, 2024 9:00 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [FRIAM] Is consciousness a mystery? (used to be 
> "mystery...deeper".T
> Two separate responses:
> first to Steve—Personally, I do believe in the spectrum of "consciousness" 
> you suggest with, perhaps a nuance. One contributor tot he spectrum is simply 
> quantity; a quanta has 1 'bit' of consciousness, an octopus has 
> Domegegemegrottebyte (real thing according to Wikipedia) 'bits'. A more 
> significant contributor is "organization." Molecules with differing numbers 
> of atoms of the same elements, organized differently, have very different 
> properties and behaviors. A human and an octopus might have the same number 
> of bits of consciousness, but the organization of those bits (in an 
> N-dimensional space) is radically different.
>    This means it may be possible to say that some threshold quantity and and 
> organization results in entities being included in the set of generically 
> conscious things, it is unlikely we will ever be able to say that 
> Consciousness-Human is identical to or even similar to Consciousness-octopus.
> BTW: much of my antipathy to AI claims arises from this perspective. A 
> machine very well might have the requisite number of 'bits' of consciousness 
> from the material of which the embodying machine is composed (and the fact 
> that every 1/0 bit of the executing code has a 'bit' of consciousness) and 
> those bits will be 'organized' sufficiently to join the generic set; but 
> machine consciousness will never equate to human consciousness. My objections 
> to machine "intelligence" comes from the fact that machines do not have the 
> N-dimensional organization of humans or octopi.
> to Nick—
>    Beware blatant anthropomorphism (applied to both Dave and Dusty)
> Dave is sleepy and calm.
> Dusty is anxious and afraid.
> Dusty crawls onto Dave's shoulder and finds reassurance and security.
> Dave is tolerant and does not shove Dusty off bed.
> Dave senses Dusty's need for reassurance and rests his arm across her back 
> and lets her stay as she is.
> Dusty relaxes and goes to sleep.
> Love is not present in this transaction, unless you presume that a series of 
> prior interactions created a kind of meta-state of Lovingness between the two 
> and absent that state the interactions  and 'feelings; as presented would not 
> have occurred. But, perhaps Dave is just an (occasionally) good Buddhist 
> showing Dusty the same respect he would express to any living being?
> davew
> On Thu, Jul 11, 2024, at 7:02 PM, steve smith wrote:
>> Nick -
>> (of course) I've larded up my usual style of response below (maybe only for 
>> my own need to "express" the buildup of mental-pus that comes with 
>> everything I hear here and elsewhere) but to save you (and anyone else who 
>> cares) the burden of parsing a few dozen lines of back-and-forth, I offer 
>> the punchline.  If you are curious about how I came to said (vaguely) 
>> concise punchline you can read the rest after the <horizontal line> element 
>> below:
>> A) Can you recognize that there is a spectrum/continuum of things you would 
>> acknowledge as "conscious" between the two extrema (perhaps) of a 
>> (presumably apex-complex) human/cephalopod/cetacean and that of a quark or a 
>> brane or a string-loop or some abstract monad?  B) if yes, what are the 
>> implications of this?  or C) why does quantizing "conscioiusness" into 
>> "humans like me" and "every other bit of life" feel necessary, useful or 
>> appealing?
>> Steve
>> If FriAM typical discourse is the Thunderstorm, is this a (weak) cuddle?
>>> Steve,
>>> The scale of your response alone suggests that it cannot be baby steps.  
>> Thus recognizing it was more of a baby (naive) pentathalon (long, arduous 
>> and multi-modal) hellride of a traverse through the implied space.
>>> I guess I am proposing a method here, one inn we work outward from an 
>>> evocative experience to explore our understandings of contraversial 
>>> concepts, and that we do it in relatively short bursts. 
>> yes, let us extrude short strands of noodle and see how they criss-cross.
>>> **Dusty comes to cuddle with David when she hears thunder.**
>>> **Does Dusty love David?**
>> Dave (or does he self-identify as David?) loves Dusty and finds Dusty's 
>> cuddling sufficiently similar/familiar to his own cuddling to attribute it 
>> to love if he is in the mood to do so.
>>> If yes, what else would you expect Dusty to do with  respect to David. 
>>> given you have made that attribution.
>>> If no, what more would have Dusty have to do, before you would make such an 
>>> attribution.
>> Qualified yes...    Dusty could cower under the bed, leaving Dave to choose 
>> to coax Dusty out and cuddle Dusty, giving Dusty the "love" or at least 
>> comfort which Dave would offer as the closest cross-species expression of 
>> love he knows how to offer in this moment.  Dave loves Dusty, Dusty 
>> dog-loves Dave.  They are reciprocal but asymmetric in quality, even if 
>> either would give their lives for the other? 
>>> I would like to respond to an inference that there is something patronizing 
>>> about my insisting on a method, as if  I think you need thought-therapy and 
>>> I am the guy to give it.
>> If in fact you were to have intended (consciously or not) as patronizing, I 
>> take it as an gesture of love, of filial empathy, of generous guidance from 
>> someone who has been around at least as many trees as I have...   I 
>> definitely need or seek thought/spiritual therapy/guaidance from every 
>> quarter, including this one.
>>> In reply, I only would say that if somebody were willing to ask me short, 
>>> to-the-point questions about my thinking on any matter and explore 
>>> carefully my answers, I would eternally grateful.   I might even cuddle 
>>> with them in a thunderstorm.
>> I would choose to give you this level of fine-grain attention around your 
>> fascination with vortices in the context of meteorology (and other domains) 
>> more than this domain, but if this is the one you prefer (for the moment), 
>> let me ask a short, three-part but to-the-point question (and leave it to 
>> you to ignore the fecundly laden pregnant assumptions hidden by the implied 
>> simplicity of the construction):  
>> _A) Can you recognize that there is a spectrum/continuum of things you would 
>> acknowledge as "conscious" between the two extrema (perhaps) of a 
>> (presumably apex-complex) human/cephalopod/cetacean and that of a quark or a 
>> brane or a string-loop or some abstract monad?  B) if yes, what are the 
>> implications of this?  or C) why does quantizing "conscioiusness" into 
>> "humans like me" and "every other bit of life" feel necessary, useful or 
>> appealing?_
>>  Steve
>> Steve
>>> NIck
>>> Nick
>>> On Thu, Jul 11, 2024 at 4:05 PM steve smith <> wrote:
>>>> Nick -
>>>> I'm glad you acknowledged (in another branch of this thread?) the 
>>>> "grumpiness" aspect of your initiation/participation in this thread.  Your 
>>>> analogy around thought/feeling "expression" and that of pimple popping is 
>>>> in fact very apt if a bit graphic.  I do think many of us want this 
>>>> apparently deeply thorny/paradoxical problem to be easier than it is?   
>>>> And the plethora of complexly subtle dis/mis-agreements on language around 
>>>> consciousness, intelligence, cognition, (self) awareness, qualia 
>>>> complicates that yet more. 
>>>> I don't know if my own baby-steps are helpful, given that my 
>>>> background/perspective might align more with DaveW than most others here 
>>>> (I'm very sympathetic with a pan-consciousness perspective)?  maybe it 
>>>> parses as baby-babble more than baby-steps...
>>>>> I missed most of this (and related) threads but am surprised at where 
>>>>> this seems to be going. I always associated consciousness with subjective 
>>>>> experience and not necessarily with self awareness. The "hard problem of 
>>>>> consciousness" is qualia, not self-awareness. No? An AI agent cannot 
>>>>> understand language on anything other than a superficial basis because it 
>>>>> has no idea what, for example "wet," means. Nevertheless, it will be 
>>>>> quite good at stringing words together that say coherent things about 
>>>>> wetness. An AI agent has no *idea *about anything. At the same time, an 
>>>>> AI agent will be quite good at creating coherent statements about very 
>>>>> many things. Just because an AI agent is able to create coherent 
>>>>> statements does not mean that those statements reflect the agent's 
>>>>> ideas--since it has no ideas.
>>>> Russ's  point here is a good pivot point for me in this conversation if it 
>>>> is possible to make the pivot.  It may not be. 
>>>> Knowing and Knowing-About:
>>>>>   I use the former to be the quality of qualia... not easily 
>>>>> formalizeable nor quantifiable nor with obvious models which are not 
>>>>> intrinsically subjective.   "Knowing-About" is for me reserved for the 
>>>>> formalized models of "facts about the world and relations between ideas" 
>>>>> and when I say "formalized" I don't preclude storytelling or the highly 
>>>>> vilified "just so stories".  
>>>>> Formalized mathematical, statistical, logical models with digital 
>>>>> computer simulations (or analog electronic, mechanical, hydraulic, 
>>>>> pneumatic "circuits" or "systems")  are "knowing about"...  a steam train 
>>>>> for example embodies "knowing about" converting carbon-fuel into linear 
>>>>> motion across long distances, carrying heavy loads by way of many 
>>>>> repeatable mechanisms...   the implementation and operation of such a 
>>>>> device/system is a "proof" in some sense of the design. 
>>>>>  On top of that design/system are other design/systems (say the logic of 
>>>>> Railroad Robber Baronages) upon which yet other systems (say 
>>>>> Industrial-revolution era proto-hyper-capitalism) on top of which rides 
>>>>> trans-global corporatism and nationalism in their own "gyre and gimbal"  
>>>>> with a in intra-stellar and eventually inter-stellar variation in the 
>>>>> sense of Asimov's Foundation and Empire or perhaps for the youth culture 
>>>>> here (under 60?) George Lucas' Star Wars Empire or Roddenberry's Star 
>>>>> Trek Federation vs ???  
>>>> Consciousness:
>>>>> A the lowest level consciousness or perhaps proto-consciousness registers 
>>>>> for me as "having a model of the world useful for guiding behaviour 
>>>>> toward surviving/thriving/reproducing/collectivizing".     This permeates 
>>>>> all of life from somewhere down at the single-celled 
>>>>> bacteria/archaea/fungi/phyto-thingies/  up to and through 
>>>>> vertebrates/mammals/hominids/sapiens 
>>>>> On the reflection of whether my cat or dog, or the hummingbirds outside 
>>>>> my window or the mice trying to sneak back into my house have 
>>>>> "consciousness", or even more pointedly the mosquito I slapped into a 
>>>>> blood (my blood by the way) spot on my forearm last night, have 
>>>>> "consciousness"...   while each of these appear to have a "consciousness" 
>>>>> I know it to be variously more or less familiar to my own.   My elaborate 
>>>>> (unfettered?) imagination allows me to make up (just so?) stories about 
>>>>> how cetaceans, cephalapods, jellyfish all variously have aspects of their 
>>>>> "consciousness' that I could (do?) recognize (empathize with?).   So I 
>>>>> would want a multivalued function with at least two simple scalars: 
>>>>> Familiarity-to-Me(Conscioiusness) and Potency-of(Consciousness), pick 
>>>>> your scale... my identical twin or maybe conjoined twin might max out on 
>>>>> the first scale while a nematode or a bacterium might trail off toward 
>>>>> nil on the first AND second scale.  And beyond the scale of organic life 
>>>>> into artificial life and  beyond, the "familiarity" of a glider or 
>>>>> oscillator in the GameO'Life or the braided rings of Saturn, even less 
>>>>> significant but not zero?   The Potency-scale seems to be something like 
>>>>> *agency* which feels absolute for most of us except Robert Sapolsky while 
>>>>> the *agency* of an electron or neutrino seems registered at *absolute 
>>>>> zero*, though the Quantum Consciousness folks maybe put it at max and our 
>>>>> own more an illusive projection of that?
>>>>> The idea of "collective individuation" (e.g. mashup of Eleanor Ostrom's 
>>>>> collectives and Jung's individuation) suggests that perception, 
>>>>> cognition, intelligence, even consciousness may well be a collective 
>>>>> phenomena.   Our organs, tissues, cells, organelles, macromolecules, 
>>>>> CHON++ molecules, atoms, baryons/fermions, quarks, strings, branes  are 
>>>>> on a loose hierarchy of diminishing Familiarity-Consciousness and 
>>>>> Potency-Consciousness.   I'm more interested (these days) in the emergent 
>>>>> collective consciousness of the noosphere and perhaps the symbiotic 
>>>>> culture of humanity and life-at-all-scales (SCHLAAS?)   it feels wild and 
>>>>> science-fictiony to assert that earth's biosphere has already (in the 
>>>>> last 150 years) conjured a nervous system, a global-brain (ala Francis 
>>>>> Heylighen: Global Brain Institute)
>>>>> with "our own" Bollen, Joslyn, 
>>>>> Rodriguez still on the Board of Technical Advisors.   I scoffed at this 
>>>>> somewhat 25 years ago (mostly because of the hubris of "Global" and 
>>>>> "Brain").
>>>> OK Nick, so not "baby steps" more like a hyper-baby's mad dash through an 
>>>> obstacle course or maybe a pentathalon?   I tried shunting all this to 
>>>> George Tremblay IVo but he referred me to Gussie Tumbleroot who cheered me 
>>>> on on my careening ideational orbits.  
>>>> Gurgle,
>>>>  - Steve
>>>>> -- Russ Abbott                                      
>>>>> Professor Emeritus, Computer Science
>>>>> California State University, Los Angeles
>>>>> On Thu, Jul 11, 2024 at 9:30 AM Frank Wimberly <> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Glen,
>>>>>> This is a test to illustrate somethiing about Gmail to Nick.
>>>>>> On Tue, Jul 9, 2024 at 4:37 PM glen <> wrote:
>>>>>>> On July 9, 2024 2:04:29 PM PDT, Prof David West <> 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Maybe I should not be replying, as I do believe my dogs (and your cat 
>>>>>>>> if you have one) are conscious.
>>>>>>>> I have not experienced a Vulcan Mind-Meld with either of my dogs, so I 
>>>>>>>> cannot say with certainty they are conscious—I must infer it from 
>>>>>>>> observations:
>>>>>>>> 1- interactions with other dogs would seem to indicate they "remember" 
>>>>>>>> past interactions and do not require the same butt-sniffing protocol 
>>>>>>>> with dogs they have met at the park frequently. Also they seem to 
>>>>>>>> remember who plays with who and who doesn't. "That ball is not mine, 
>>>>>>>> this one is."
>>>>>>>> 2-they modify their behavior depending on the tenor, sharpness, and 
>>>>>>>> volume of barks, ear positions, tail wagging differences, by the other 
>>>>>>>> dogs; e.g., "that's enough."
>>>>>>>> 3-They do not communicate to me in English, but seem to accept 
>>>>>>>> communication from me in that language—not trained responses to 
>>>>>>>> commands, but "listening to conversations" between myself and Mary and 
>>>>>>>> reacting to words (e.g., dog park) that are exchanged in those 
>>>>>>>> conversations. Mary and I are totally sedentary and speaking in 
>>>>>>>> conversational tone, so pretty sure there we are not sending 'signals' 
>>>>>>>> akin to training words, training tone of voice.
>>>>>>>> 4-they seem to remember trauma, (one of our dogs spent three days with 
>>>>>>>> dead owner before anyone knew the owner was deceased and will bite if 
>>>>>>>> anyone tries to forcefully remove him from my (current bonded owner) 
>>>>>>>> presence.
>>>>>>>> 5-seek "psychological comfort" by crawling into my bed and sleeping on 
>>>>>>>> my shoulder when the thunderstorm comes.
>>>>>>>> **_All of these are grounded in anthropomorphism—long considered a 
>>>>>>>> deadly error by ethologists._** (Some contemporary ethologists are 
>>>>>>>> exploring accepting and leveraging this "error" to extend our 
>>>>>>>> understanding of animal behavior.)
>>>>>>>> davew
>>>>>>>> On Tue, Jul 9, 2024, at 2:54 PM, Nicholas Thompson wrote:
>>>>>>>>> While I find all the  ancillary considerations raised on the original 
>>>>>>>>> thread extremely interesting,  I would like to reopen the discussion 
>>>>>>>>> of Conscious as a Mystery and ask that those that join it stay close 
>>>>>>>>> to the question of what consciousness is and how we know it when we 
>>>>>>>>> see it.  Baby Steps.  
>>>>>>>>> Where were we?   I think I was asking Jochen, and perhaps Peitr and 
>>>>>>>>> anybody else who thought that animals were not conscious (i.e., not 
>>>>>>>>> aware of their own awareness)  what basis they had in experience for 
>>>>>>>>> thinking that..  One offering for such an experience is the absence 
>>>>>>>>> of language in animals.  Because my cat cannot  describe his 
>>>>>>>>> experience in words, he cannot be  conscious.  This requires the 
>>>>>>>>> following syllogism:
>>>>>>>>> Nothing that does not employ a language (or two?) is conscious.
>>>>>>>>> Animals (with ;the possible exception of signing apes) do not employ 
>>>>>>>>> languages.
>>>>>>>>> Ergo, Animals are not conscious. 
>>>>>>>>> But I was trying to find out the basis for the first premise.  How do 
>>>>>>>>> we know that there are no non-linguistic beings that are not 
>>>>>>>>> conscious.  I hope we could rule out the answer,"because they are 
>>>>>>>>> non-linguistic",  both in its strictly  tautological or merely 
>>>>>>>>> circular form. 
>>>>>>>>> There is a closely related syllogism which we also need to explore:
>>>>>>>>> All language using beings are conscious.
>>>>>>>>> George Peter Tremblay IV is a language-using being.
>>>>>>>>> George Peter Tremblay IV is conscious. 
>>>>>>>>> Both are valid syllogisms.  But where do the premises come from.
>>>>>>>>> Nick
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>>>>>> Frank Wimberly
>>>>>> 140 Calle Ojo Feliz
>>>>>> Santa Fe, NM 87505
>>>>>> 505 670-9918
>>>>>> Research:
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