Meanwhile, the program of living, including all its events of choosing, is not contained within the formal system.  Alongside the formal system, the program of living as it is realized is yet-another thing in the world, of a different kind.

This is downright poetic.

It echoes Schweitzer's "I am life that wills to live, in the midst of life that wills to live." which I tend to generalize to "Life is that which wills to live amongst that which wills to live".

And Schopenhauer's  "Life is a language in which certain truths are conveyed to us; if we could learn them in some other way, we should not live."    Many things you reference related to language reminds me of Schopenhauer's proto-thoughts from another era in his "The World as Will and Representation"

I appreciated your acknowledgement of DaveWs willingness ability to articulate-in/defer-to an analytic language or stylization of expression while holding true to his inner experience which is of a different kind.  (as I understood it).   I attribute "effing the ineffable" to him, though that may be my projection.  I find it brilliant.

In this split between the ultra-rational and the mystic I am more an agnostic than anything, not convinced of either having primacy but rather finding them both persuasive in their own domains and useful even to myself as I wander between them or walk a fine line just one side or the other noticing the other-other as phantasms dancing just beyond some veil.   Perhaps having my corpus callosum split would help me return to the naive but perhaps more natural state implied by Julian Jayne's "Bicameral Mind" concept (recently re-introduced here by Jochen, tyvm).  I can't say that the meta-cognitive dissonance the co-munnication causes me much distress but I suspect that it is a source of a lot of my correspondents disconcert with some of my method/madness seeming conflations?  Let the muddle proceed...

In a sociospiritual domain, what you say about "choice" resonates with my own experience of probability vs possibility.  Life is that which seeks to exploit probabilities to explore possibilities more efficiently (amongst other systems following the same program)?

this is getting deep and layered as it always does when I attempt to /eff the ineffable/ ... but the central theme of emergence appears to be the generalization of this?

Glen, if he has been able to wade this deep in my mumbled musings, has tried (I believe) to raise something like this when he has railed against (or merely questioned) the use of the term "levels" to talk (I think) about emergence?   it is all tied in with the semiotics of affordances as well?  Guerin has endured this question from me before...


 - Steve

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