I have no particular attachment to Gauss-Kronrod integration - indeed
Clenshaw-Curtis integration may well be easier to implement.  My interest
(as well as having a robust numeric integration routine in FriCAS) is
seeing if an external numeric library can be used through FriCAS.  And
there are lots of these: QUADPACK, FFTW, ODE, ODEPACK to name but four
Netlib ones.  I don't see why any of us should have to reinvent the wheel
when there are perfectly good open-source numeric routines already
available.  All I want is a FriCAS front end to them - and with arbitrary

For example, the nodes and weights above could be obtained with:

x1 := solve(legendreP(9,x),1.0e-40)
xs := [rhs(s) for s in x1]
ws := [2/(1-s^2)/subst(D(legendreP(9,x),x),x=s)^2 for s in xs]

And then you have to compute the Kronrod nodes, which interpolate between
the Gaussian nodes...

On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 2:00 PM, Waldek Hebisch <hebi...@math.uni.wroc.pl>

> Alasdair McAndrew wrote:
> >
> > The more I read about Lisp the more difficult it seems.  It would
> probably
> > be just as easy for me to write a integrate.input file from scratch
> > containing the Gauss-Kronrod code,
> Any reason for specifically wanting Gauss-Kronrod code?  On
> my todo list was writing adaptive Gauss routine.  So I did
> one using 9 point rule.  Hopefuly it should be good enough
> to get 14 digit accuracy with reasonable number of evaluation
> points for large class of functions.  This is preliminary
> version, improvements welcome.
> BTW: I believe that adaptive quadratures, recursing on
> subintervals are much better than nonadaptive.  This one
> is quite simplistic, in particular it can handle singularity
> in sqrt, but fails on 1/sqrt.
> -------------<cut here>-----------------
> )abbrev package GAUSSI GaussianQuadrature
> GaussianQuadrature : Exports == Implementation where
>   FT ==> DoubleFloat
>   Exports ==> with
>     adaptive : (FT -> FT, FT, FT, FT,
>              Integer, (FT -> FT, FT, FT) -> FT) -> FT
>       ++ adaptive(f, a, b, eps, n, g) is general adaptive
>       ++ quadrature on interval (a, b) using g as base
>       ++ (nonadaptive) rule and stopping when error is less than
>       ++ eps.  adaptive signals error when number of recursion
>       ++ levels exceeds n.
>       ++ Note: agruments to g are f, midpoint of interval and
>       ++ half of length
>     gauss9 : (FT -> FT, FT, FT) -> FT
>       ++ gauss9(f, mid, h) computes 0 point Gaussian quadrature
>       ++ of f on the interval with midpoint mid and lenght 2*h
>   Implementation ==> add
>     x1 := 0.3242534234_0380892904::DoubleFloat
>     x2 := 0.6133714327_0059039731::DoubleFloat
>     x3 := 0.8360311073_266357943::DoubleFloat
>     x4 := 0.9681602395_0762608983::DoubleFloat
>     w0 := 0.3302393550_0125976316::DoubleFloat
>     w1 := 0.3123470770_4000284007::DoubleFloat
>     w2 := 0.2606106964_0293546232::DoubleFloat
>     w3 := 0.1806481606_9485740405_8::DoubleFloat
>     w4 := 0.0812743883_6157441197_2::DoubleFloat
>     half := 0.5::DoubleFloat
>     gauss9(f : FT -> FT, mid : FT, h : FT) : FT ==
>         h1 := h*x1
>         h2 := h*x2
>         res := w0*f(mid) + w1*(f(mid + h1) + f(mid - h1))
>                          + w2*(f(mid + h2) + f(mid - h2))
>         h3 := h*x3
>         h4 := h*x4
>         res := res + w3*(f(mid + h3) + f(mid - h3))
>                    + w4*(f(mid + h4) + f(mid - h4))
>         h*res
>     adaptive1(f : FT -> FT, mid : FT, h : FT, eps : FT,
>               n : Integer, g : (FT -> FT, FT, FT) -> FT, res0 : FT) : FT ==
>         n < 0 => error "too many recursion levels"
>         h1 := half*h
>         mid1 := mid - h1
>         mid2 := mid + h1
>         res1 := g(f, mid1, h1)
>         res2 := g(f, mid2, h1)
>         nres := res1 + res2
>         abs(res0 - nres) < eps => nres
>         eps1 := half*eps
>         adaptive1(f, mid1, h1, eps1, n - 1, g, res1)
>          + adaptive1(f, mid2, h1, eps1, n - 1, g, res2)
>     adaptive(f : FT -> FT, a : FT, b : FT, eps : FT,
>              n : Integer, g : (FT -> FT, FT, FT) -> FT) : FT ==
>         mid := half*(a + b)
>         h := half*(b - a)
>         res0 := g(f, mid, h)
>         adaptive1(f, mid, h, eps, n, g, res0)
> --------------------<cut here>-------------------
> --
>                               Waldek Hebisch
> --
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