Hello Bill,

that's great. There is a lot in Lisp which is a "black spot" to me,
especially this "multiple value" stuff. Since this also seems to be
solved I think this could be a starting point.

Thank you and
best regards

Am 26.10.2015 um 05:14 schrieb Bill Page:
> Alasdair and Kurt,
> Here is one way to deal with multiple return values:
> (1) -> )co gsl
>    Compiling FriCAS source code from file /home/wspage/gsl.spad using
>       old system compiler.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>    gsl is now explicitly exposed in frame frame1
>    gsl will be automatically loaded when needed from
>       /home/wspage/GSL.NRLIB/GSL
> (1) -> )r gsl-test
> DF ==> DoubleFloat
>                                                                    Type: Void
> f:=(x:DF):DF+->exp(-x^2)
>    (2)  theMap(*1;anonymousFunction;0;frame1;internal)
>                                            Type: (DoubleFloat -> DoubleFloat)
> gslIntegrationQng(f,0.0::DF,1.0::DF)
>    (3)  [result= 0.7468241328124271,abserr= 8.291413475940725e-15,neval= 21]
>          Type: Record(result: DoubleFloat,abserr: DoubleFloat,neval: Integer)
> (4) ->
> ---
> In the revised files attached 'integration-qng-list' is a wrapper
> routine that just returns the multiple values as a list of values.
> Since lists are homogeneous in FriCAS we then have to sort out the
> actual types of the result for SPAD in gslIntegrationQng and in this
> example return it as a record.
> ---
> Yes, adding other routines should be easy. The hard part of passing
> FriCAS functions was done by Kurt (he just made it look easy! :)
> I agree that arbitrary precision is indeed another issue and in my
> opinion, in general not so interesting.
> More tomorrow when I get a chance. I am wondering now about how best
> to make GSL a permanent addition to FriCAS. Perhaps Waldek can advise.
> Bill.
> On 25 October 2015 at 23:10, Alasdair McAndrew <amc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Sweet!  Works beautifully (once I set my SBCL_HOME variable); one line will
>> do it:
>> (2) -> gslIntegrationQng(x+->exp(-x^2),0.0,1.0)
>>  And I suppose adding other routines is just a matter of more (include ...)
>> lines in gsl.input and corresponding lines in gsl.spad?
>> With regard to arbitrary precision, that might be another issue.  However, I
>> was recommended that it may be better to "roll our own" in which case the
>> method of choice is probably tanh-sinh integration, which has all of the
>> advantages of Gauss Kronrod (nested rules for error analysis) and is far
>> easier to implement.  See
>> http://crd-legacy.lbl.gov/~dhbailey/dhbpapers/dhb-tanh-sinh.pdf for some
>> details.
>> On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 1:54 PM, Bill Page <bill.p...@newsynthesis.org>
>> wrote:
>>> You are FAST!  That's amazing. Works exactly as advertised.
>>> Re qng:
>>> "The function returns the final approximation, result, an estimate of
>>> the absolute error, abserr and the number of function evaluations
>>> used, neval."
>>> https://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/manual/html_node/QNG-non_002dadaptive-Gauss_002dKronrod-integration.html
>>> This is great.
>>> Bill.

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