You're right, there is not much that's not already integrated in TeXmacs. On the
other hand, as a frequent Tm user, I'd suggest to update the folder and even
considering to fill it with useful addons instead ;) There is no doubt, Tm has
dramatically improved in the past years and the fricas interface should not be
left out in the cold. There are interesting features, like serializing and so
on,  which seem unique to me.

On this occasion I suggest to think about the "prompt" and the display of types
- not very nice from an aesthetic point of view. A first step could be to
rewrite the "markers" in the fricas start script, then one could edit various
items more easily:

markers=$(cat << EOF
)lisp (setf |\$ioHook| (lambda (x &optional args)
   (cond ((eq x '|startPrompt|) (princ (concat (code-char 2) "prompt\#") ))
         ((eq x '|endOfTeXmacsOutput|) (princ (concat (code-char 5) (code-char
         ((eq x '|startTeXmacsOutput|) (princ (code-char 2)))
         ((eq x '|startKeyedMsg|)  (princ (concat (code-char 2) "verbatim:")))
         ((eq x '|endOfKeyedMsg|)  (princ (code-char 5)))
         ((eq x '|endOfPrompt|) (princ (code-char 5) ))  )))


So, just as an a example, the user could set some variables to control the
output items mentioned above.

cc2="(code-char 2)"
cc5="(code-char 5)"
cc10="(code-char 10)"



markers=$(cat << EOF
)lisp (setf |\$ioHook| (lambda (x &optional args)
   (cond ((eq x '|startPrompt|) (princ (concat $cc2 "prompt\#")))
         ((eq x '|endOfTeXmacsOutput|) (princ (concat $cc5 $cc10)))
         ((eq x '|startTeXmacsOutput|) (princ $cc2))
         ((eq x '|startKeyedMsg|)  (princ (concat $cc2 $msgbeg)))
         ((eq x '|endOfKeyedMsg|)  (princ (concat $msgend $cc5 $cc10)))
         ((eq x '|endOfPrompt|) (princ $cc5)))))



Obvioulsy, this is not as user friendly as it should be, however, most features
can also be controlled by a spad file.

To bring it back to your question, it's perhaps more favourable to handle these
things outside the fricas distribution (changed my mind during writing ;).

Best regards

(2) -> )sh TMSPT
 TexmacsSupport is a package constructor
 Abbreviation for TexmacsSupport is TMSPT
 This constructor is exposed in this frame.
------------------------------- Operations --------------------------------

 addDefaultStyle : () -> Void          addStyle : String -> Void
 changeZoomFactor : Float -> Void      clearAllFields : () -> Void
 closeSession : () -> Void             command : String -> Void
 createSubsession : () -> Void         evaluateAbove : () -> Void
 evaluateAll : () -> Void              evaluateBelow : () -> Void
 evaluateFieldsInOrder : () -> Void    firstField : () -> Void
 fitAllToScreen : () -> Void           fitToScreen : () -> Void
 fitToScreenHeight : () -> Void        fitToScreenWidth : () -> Void
 foldAllFields : () -> Void            html : String -> Void
 inlineImage : String -> Void          input : String -> Void
 insertFieldAbove : () -> Void         insertFieldBelow : () -> Void
 insertTextFieldAbove : () -> Void     insertTextFieldBelow : () -> Void
 lastField : () -> Void                latex : String -> Void
 linkImage : String -> Void            mathInput : String -> String
 message : (String, String) -> Void    nextField : () -> Void
 output : String -> Void               previousField : () -> Void
 prompt : String -> Void               ps : String -> Void
 removeBanner : () -> Void             removeDefaultStyle : () -> Void
 removeLastField : () -> Void          removeNextField : () -> Void
 removePreviousField : () -> Void      removeStyle : String -> Void
 scheme : String -> Void               sessionEval : () -> Void
 showTimings : () -> Void              splitSession : () -> Void
 tmActive? : () -> Boolean             toggleFooter : () -> Void
 toggleFullScreenMode : () -> Void     toggleHeader : () -> Void
 toggleMathInput : () -> Void          toggleMathOutput : () -> Void
 toggleMultilineInput : () -> Void     toggleTreeOutput : () -> Void
 unfoldAllFields : () -> Void          verbatim : String -> Void
 zoomIn : Float -> Void                zoomOut : Float -> Void
 toggleSchemeTreeOutput : () -> Void

On 15.05.2022 14:59, Ralf Hemmecke wrote:
> I was just wondering whether we still need to have the directory
> contrib/texmacs in the fricas repo. All these files have
> COPYRIGHT   : (C) 1999, 2012  Joris van der Hoeven and Andrey Grozin
> and fall under GPL3+ and FriCAS is not actually distributing them in the 
> binary
> tarballs. I also do not see that the texmacs directory is ever touched during 
> a
> normal build+install of fricas.
> I suggest to remove contrib/texmacs, because they appear in the latest
> distribution of TeXmacs itself.
> Ralf

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