I wonder how we can support a user to interpret the result of this integration. I bet that many people will fail to figure out that %%E0 and %%E1 are rootOf expressions.

Maybe I'm too blind, but I couldn't find something in the FriCAS Book.


(1) -> res := integrate(1/(1+x^5),x)

            |         2                                 2
           \|- 75 %%E1  + (- 50 %%E0 - 10)%%E1 - 75 %%E0  - 10 %%E0 - 3
           - 5 %%E1 - 5 %%E0 - 1
               |         2                                 2
              \|- 75 %%E1  + (- 50 %%E0 - 10)%%E1 - 75 %%E0  - 10 %%E0 - 3
              - 5 %%E1 - 5 %%E0 + 2 x - 1
              |         2                                 2
           - \|- 75 %%E1  + (- 50 %%E0 - 10)%%E1 - 75 %%E0  - 10 %%E0 - 3
           - 5 %%E1 - 5 %%E0 - 1

                 |         2                                 2
- \|- 75 %%E1 + (- 50 %%E0 - 10)%%E1 - 75 %%E0 - 10 %%E0 - 3
              - 5 %%E1 - 5 %%E0 + 2 x - 1
       10 %%E1 log(5 %%E1 + x) + 10 %%E0 log(5 %%E0 + x) + 2 log(x + 1)
Type: Union(Expression(Integer),...)
(2) -> tower res

   [x, log(x + 1), %%E0, log(5 %%E0 + x), %%E1, log(5 %%E1 + x),
     |         2                                 2
    \|- 75 %%E1  + (- 50 %%E0 - 10)%%E1 - 75 %%E0  - 10 %%E0 - 3 ,

             |         2                                 2
          - \|- 75 %%E1  + (- 50 %%E0 - 10)%%E1 - 75 %%E0  - 10 %%E0 - 3
          - 5 %%E1 - 5 %%E0 + 2 x - 1

           |         2                                 2
\|- 75 %%E1 + (- 50 %%E0 - 10)%%E1 - 75 %%E0 - 10 %%E0 - 3 - 5 %%E1
          - 5 %%E0 + 2 x - 1
Type: List(Kernel(Expression(Integer)))
(3) -> definingPolynomial(%%E0)

                4           3          2
        625 %%E0  + 125 %%E0  + 25 %%E0  + 5 %%E0 + 1
   (3)  ---------------------------------------------
Type: Expression(Integer)
(4) ->

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