Hello  Ralf ;

I got your email OK. This is my answer

Since CAS integration tests does not use Fricas directly, but interface to 
it via sagemath, these %%E0 and %%E1 and rootof do not actually show up at 

Sagemath takes care of the conversion to sagemath speak automatically, 
since the result must be valid in sagemath world to be used.

│ SageMath version 9.7, Release Date: 2022-09-19                     │
│ Using Python 3.10.6. Type "help()" for help.                       │
sage: var('x')
sage: fricas.setSimplifyDenomsFlag(fricas.true)
sage: integrate(1/(1+x^5),x,algorithm="fricas")
1/20*(sqrt(5) + 2*sqrt(-3/16*(2*sqrt(1/2)*sqrt(sqrt(5) - 5) + sqrt(5) + 
1)^2 + 1/8*(2*sqrt(1/2)*sqrt(sqrt(5) - 5) + sqrt(5) - 
3)*(2*sqrt(1/2)*sqrt(sqrt(5) - 5) - sqrt(5) - 1) - 
3/16*(2*sqrt(1/2)*sqrt(sqrt(5) - 5) - sqrt(5) - 1)^2 + 
sqrt(1/2)*sqrt(sqrt(5) - 5) + 1/2*sqrt(5) - 5/2) - 1)*log(2*x + 1/2*sqrt(5) 
+ sqrt(-3/16*(2*sqrt(1/2)*sqrt(sqrt(5) - 5) + sqrt(5) + 1)^2 + 
1/8*(2*sqrt(1/2)*sqrt(sqrt(5) - 5) + sqrt(5) - 3)*(2*sqrt(1/2)*sqrt(sqrt(5) 
- 5) - sqrt(5) - 1) - 3/16*(2*sqrt(1/2)*sqrt(sqrt(5) - 5) - sqrt(5) - 1)^2 
+ sqrt(1/2)*sqrt(sqrt(5) - 5) + 1/2*sqrt(5) - 5/2) - 1/2) + 1/20*(sqrt(5) - 
2*sqrt(-3/16*(2*sqrt(1/2)*sqrt(sqrt(5) - 5) + sqrt(5) + 1)^2 + 
1/8*(2*sqrt(1/2)*sqrt(sqrt(5) - 5) + sqrt(5) - 3)*(2*sqrt(1/2)*sqrt(sqrt(5) 
- 5) - sqrt(5) - 1) - 3/16*(2*sqrt(1/2)*sqrt(sqrt(5) - 5) - sqrt(5) - 1)^2 
+ sqrt(1/2)*sqrt(sqrt(5) - 5) + 1/2*sqrt(5) - 5/2) - 1)*log(2*x + 
1/2*sqrt(5) - sqrt(-3/16*(2*sqrt(1/2)*sqrt(sqrt(5) - 5) + sqrt(5) + 1)^2 + 
1/8*(2*sqrt(1/2)*sqrt(sqrt(5) - 5) + sqrt(5) - 3)*(2*sqrt(1/2)*sqrt(sqrt(5) 
- 5) - sqrt(5) - 1) - 3/16*(2*sqrt(1/2)*sqrt(sqrt(5) - 5) - sqrt(5) - 1)^2 
+ sqrt(1/2)*sqrt(sqrt(5) - 5) + 1/2*sqrt(5) - 5/2) - 1/2) + 
1/20*(2*sqrt(1/2)*sqrt(sqrt(5) - 5) - sqrt(5) - 1)*log(x + 
1/2*sqrt(1/2)*sqrt(sqrt(5) - 5) - 1/4*sqrt(5) - 1/4) - 
1/20*(2*sqrt(1/2)*sqrt(sqrt(5) - 5) + sqrt(5) + 1)*log(x - 
1/2*sqrt(1/2)*sqrt(sqrt(5) - 5) - 1/4*sqrt(5) - 1/4) + 1/5*log(x + 1)

You see in the above, there is no rootOf and no %%E0.

Compare to using Fricas directly

4) -> rr:=integrate(1/(1+x^5),x);

(5) -> unparse(rr::InputForm)  


To find if Fricas has any such output in the CAS integration tests output, 
you could issue an SQL command to the database:

sqlite> select fricas_anti from main where fricas_anti LIKE '%E1%'; 
sqlite> select fricas_anti from main where fricas_anti LIKE '%E0%';

These return nothing, because these are not there.

And no, I would not have known what %%E0 and %%E1 mean myself either, I 
would had to also google this to find what these mean in Fricas if I needed 


On Friday, October 14, 2022 at 4:40:11 AM UTC-5 ra...@hemmecke.org wrote:

> I wonder how we can support a user to interpret the result of this 
> integration. I bet that many people will fail to figure out that %%E0 
> and %%E1 are rootOf expressions.
> Maybe I'm too blind, but I couldn't find something in the FriCAS Book.
> Ralf
> (1) -> res := integrate(1/(1+x^5),x)
> (1)
> +----------------------------------------------------------+
> | 2 2
> \|- 75 %%E1 + (- 50 %%E0 - 10)%%E1 - 75 %%E0 - 10 %%E0 - 3
> +
> - 5 %%E1 - 5 %%E0 - 1
> *
> log
> +----------------------------------------------------------+
> | 2 2
> \|- 75 %%E1 + (- 50 %%E0 - 10)%%E1 - 75 %%E0 - 10 %%E0 - 3
> +
> - 5 %%E1 - 5 %%E0 + 2 x - 1
> +
> +----------------------------------------------------------+
> | 2 2
> - \|- 75 %%E1 + (- 50 %%E0 - 10)%%E1 - 75 %%E0 - 10 %%E0 - 3
> +
> - 5 %%E1 - 5 %%E0 - 1
> *
> log
> +----------------------------------------------------------+
> | 2 2
> - \|- 75 %%E1 + (- 50 %%E0 - 10)%%E1 - 75 %%E0 - 10 
> %%E0 - 3
> +
> - 5 %%E1 - 5 %%E0 + 2 x - 1
> +
> 10 %%E1 log(5 %%E1 + x) + 10 %%E0 log(5 %%E0 + x) + 2 log(x + 1)
> /
> 10
> Type: 
> Union(Expression(Integer),...)
> (2) -> tower res
> (2)
> [x, log(x + 1), %%E0, log(5 %%E0 + x), %%E1, log(5 %%E1 + x),
> +----------------------------------------------------------+
> | 2 2
> \|- 75 %%E1 + (- 50 %%E0 - 10)%%E1 - 75 %%E0 - 10 %%E0 - 3 ,
> log
> +----------------------------------------------------------+
> | 2 2
> - \|- 75 %%E1 + (- 50 %%E0 - 10)%%E1 - 75 %%E0 - 10 %%E0 - 3
> +
> - 5 %%E1 - 5 %%E0 + 2 x - 1
> ,
> log
> +----------------------------------------------------------+
> | 2 2
> \|- 75 %%E1 + (- 50 %%E0 - 10)%%E1 - 75 %%E0 - 10 %%E0 - 3 
> - 5 %%E1
> +
> - 5 %%E0 + 2 x - 1
> ]
> Type: 
> List(Kernel(Expression(Integer)))
> (3) -> definingPolynomial(%%E0)
> 4 3 2
> 625 %%E0 + 125 %%E0 + 25 %%E0 + 5 %%E0 + 1
> (3) ---------------------------------------------
> 625
> Type: 
> Expression(Integer)
> (4) ->

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