On Mon, May 13, 2024 at 01:05:03PM +0200, Waldek Hebisch wrote:
> On Mon, May 13, 2024 at 06:32:10PM +0800, Qian Yun wrote:
> > I modified i-coerce.boot, then in FRICASsys,
> >   )read i-coerce
> >   )lisp (defun GLESSEQP (X Y) (BREAK))
> >   series(sin x)
> > 
> > The above has no problem in Linux, but fails under
> > windows, backtrace is in attachment.
> AFAICS there is something wrong on Windows with detection of
> system directories.  "Integer" is system domain and
> 'updateCategoryTable' should not be called for it.
> On Linux, when I force call to 'updateCategoryTable' I get
> the same failure as on Windows.
> In principle extra 'updateCategoryTable' should cause no trouble,
> ATM I do not know why it triggers failue in the test.

Little extra info: if I force call to 'updateCategoryTable' I get
failure.  If I load first 'UnivariatePuiseuxSeries' without
'updateCategoryTable' and force 'updateCategoryTable' for other
loaded domains, then there is no failure.  If I do 'updateCategoryTable'
_only_ for 'UnivariatePuiseuxSeries', then also there is no
failure.  So, it seems that failure is related to multiple
calls to 'updateCategoryTable'

                              Waldek Hebisch

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