Original Sender  : "Johnny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

You might be an Indonesian if .....
>>Here are a few things I picked up from trying to be an
>>Indonesian ...
>>You might be Indonesian if :
>>1. Your stomach growls when you don't eat rice for a day.
>>2. You believe kecap ABC could turn bad cooking to gourmet food.
>>3. You know more than 10 acronyms/abbreviations.
>>4. You talk during a movie.
>>5. You use a dipper instead of toilet paper in the bathroom.
>>6. You eat fried rice in the morning.
>>7. You prefer Versace or Moschino jeans over Gap or Levi's.
>>8. You don't think Jim Carrey is funny.
>>9. You think Onky Alexander is a hunk.
>>10. You think Rhoma Irama is kampungan.
>>11. You carry a 16 oz. jar of sambal to where ever you travel.
>>12. Driving a car that is cheaper than $15,000 embarrasses you.
>>13. You think dangdut is stupid, but listen to it anyway, because you are
>>14. You are willing to travel 25 miles to buy tahu and tempeh.
>>15. You are "Dreaming of a WARM Christmas".
>>16. You are very good at avoiding potholes and other road hazards.
>>17. Your local McDonald's serves rice and sambal.
>>18. You think Super Mie is a staple food.
>>19. You have ever tried passing a Rp 50 coin as a quarter in a US vending
>>machine or pay
>>20. You have ever successfully bribed a police officer.
>>21. You have ever successfully bribed a customs officer.
>>22. When watching TV you regularly find that all the channels broadcast
>>the same thing.
>>23. You do your shopping in Singapore.
>>24. Your drivers license claims you are 5 years older then you really
>>25. You have ever legally bought pirated software.
>>26. You have ever been forced to memorize UUD'45.
>>27. You have bought something from a barefooted street peddler.
>>28. You know exactly how many islands Indonesia has.
>>29. You have ever eaten something sold off a cart on wheels.
>>30. You realized that money is everything before you were six.
>>31. The first thing that comes to mind when hearing the word "Jakarta" is
>>32. Someone you know has ever ridden on top of a train.
>>33. Your daily commute includes thinking up new ways to ride the city bus
>>for free.
>>34. You don't mind people being late.
>>35. You think standing in line is a waste of time.
>>36. You have tried every Monday of your youth trying to avoid upacara
>>37. You have used a mosquito repellent that looks like a coil and is lit
>>on one end.
>>38. You use the terms "Ni yee", "cai-lah" and "Ih, jijay" on daily basis.
>>39. You know what Pancasila is, what it means and know it by heart.
>>40. You complain that movies in America don't have sub-titles.
>>41. Your daily conversation may include enactments of TV commercials.
>>42. You have ever consulted a dukun.
>>43. Your whole class has ever cheated on a test, and gotten away with it.
>>44. You have ever spent the night before an exam looking for someone who
>>sells the
>>45. You like the smell of terasi.
>>46. You think the Thomas Cup is equal to the Super Bowl.
>>47. You can name a manufacturer of shuttlecocks and badminton birdies.
>>48. You have a 16' satellite dish hidden in your back yard.
>>49. You have ever ridden in a motor vehicle with three wheels.
>>50. You miss your maid on laundry day.
>>51. Your clothing has brand names printed on it that are visible from 50'
>>52. You attend weddings only until you are done eating.
>>53. You have attended weddings that you are not invited to.
>>54. You go to McDonald's to get your weekly supply of ketchup, salt,
>>pepper and napkins.
>>55. You know more than one music group that stole the tune of
>>Cranberries' "Zombie".
>>56. You have a can of Baygon on your kitchen table.
>>57. You make major decisions based on gengsi.
>>58. You take advantage of Wal-Mart's 30-day money-back guarantee to
>>"borrow" home
>>59. Someone in your family has extra pockets in his outfit to hide
>>cookies from the
>>all-you-can-eat bar.
>>60. You have paid more then $1,000 to get your name on your license

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