Original Sender  : "M Fahmi Aulia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Long time not see all of you..not mean I run out of jokes stock, but you
know...busy, la yawwww...!! hehehe...

So, enjoy the jokes!! B^)

*** Jokes begin ***

source: Lidyawati

> Johnny was in the playground with his friend Jimmy, when he noticed Jimmy
> was wearing a brand new shiny watch.
> "Did you get that for your birthday?" he asked.
> "Nope," Jimmy replied.
> "Well did you get it for Christmas then?" Johnny asked.
> "Nope."
> "You didn't steal it, did you?"
> "No," said Jimmy. "I went into Mom and Dad's bedroom the other night when
> they 'doing the nasty'. Dad gave me his watch to get rid of me."
> Johnny was extremely impressed with this idea, and extremely jealous of
> Jimmy's new watch. He vowed to get one for himself. That night he waited
> outside his parents' room until he heard the unmistakable noises of
> lovemaking. Johnny swung the door wide open and boldly strode into the
> bedroom.
> His father, caught in mid stroke, turned and asked him angrily, "What do
> you want now?"
> "I wanna watch," Johnny replied.
> Without missing a stroke, his father said, "Fine. Stand in the corner and
> keep quiet, then."
[comment: DAM, lu suka ganggu juga, gak? hihihihi...]


source: Dina

It's the day before Thanksgiving, and the butcher is just locking up when a
man pounds on the door. "Please let me in," says the man. "I forgot to buy a
turkey, and my wife will kill me if I don't come home with one!"

"Okay," says the butcher. "Let me see what's left." He goes into the freezer
and discovers that there's only one scrawny turkey left. He brings it out to
show the man.

"That one's too skinny.  What else have you got?" he says.  The butcher
takes the bird back, waits a few minutes in the freezer, and then brings the
same turkey back out to the man.

"Oh no, he says,"that one doesn't look any better.You better give me both of
[comment: ini bego ato bego?? hehehe...]


source: Liawatimena
[sorry kalo pernah dapat]

Tipe-tipe wanita menurut IT People Baru-baru ini World Computer Scientist
Journal mengadakan survey thd para computer scientist ttg bagaimana cara
mereka memandang wanita, hasilnya sbb. :

1. Tipe CPU : Pintar, pemikir, tidak banyak bicara tapi mengerjakan
banyak hal, (diam-diam tau-tau sudah 7 bulan).
2. Tipe Monitor :Genit, senangnya diperhatikan, suka pamer,(padahal
belum tentu yang dipamerin bagus).
3. Tipe Keyboard : Senang di pegang, ditekan dan di pencet di
berbagai lokasi (awas, salah tekan bisa kena jitak).
4. Tipe Printer : Aktif, di tekan sedikit geraknya banyak, kalau
sedang dipakai berisik, (nggak cocok di tipe 21, mengganggu tetangga).
5. Tipe Mouse : Pas dan enak di genggam, dingin-dingin empuk
6. Tipe Windows : Tampak luar bagus, dalamnya penuh bugs.
7. Tipe Linux-console : Tampak luar jelek, dalamnya 'handal'.
8. Tipe XWindows : Luar dalam bisa dihandalkan ...
9. Tipe DOS : ..... wajah tidak cantik, belum tentu hatinya tidak baik
10. Tipe UNIX : Diam-diam, multi user
11. Tipe LAN : Bisa dipake barengan
[buat kaum perempuan, kalian bisa menilai diri sendiri, hehehe...]


source: Purnomo


Ceritanya, ada seorang karyawan yang bener-bener bolot!!! Sudah sering
diajari oleh atasannya, tetapi masih saja kerjanya salah, sehingga atasannya

"Kan sudah sering saya beritahu kamu... masa masih aja nggak bisa? Dasar
GOBLOG kamu!!!", maki atasannya dengan sangat kesal.


Atasan: "!#$%^&*()..."

*** End of Jokes ***
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- engkoh fahmi tea -

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