On Wed, 2009-05-06 at 12:15 +0200, Clement Cavadore wrote:
> Xavier Beaudouin wrote:
> > C'est la seule chose que me bloquais en tant que association 1901 pour 
> > déployer de l'IPv6 (a part le matériel ... mais c'est autre chose).
> +1.
> Même si j'ai utilisé du PA en attendant (qui a forcément le même effet 
> que du PI, en multihomé...)

End User Assignment Agreement:
"Upon signature of this Agreement, the End User shall pay to the RIPE
NCC an Administration Fee. During the term of the Agreement, the End
User shall pay a periodical Maintenance Fee. The fees are defined
annually by the RIPE NCC General Meeting as part of the Charging Scheme
and shall be published at www.ripe.net."
"The End User shall pay the Administration Fee and Maintenance Fee
within 30 days of the date of the invoice, failing which the End User
shall be in default with no notice of default being required."
RIPE NCC Charging Scheme 2009:
"Upon conclusion of the End User Assignment Agreement, the End User
shall pay to the RIPE NCC an Administration Fee, equal to the Sign-up
Fee for new members. During the term of the agreement, the End User
shall pay a periodical Maintenance Fee based on End User’s billing
"An End User’s billing category is set based on the End User’s Billing
Algorithm score. This score is based on the Internet number resource
allocations and assignments made over time at the End User’s request.
The scoring system takes into account all:
- IPv4 Provider Independent (PI) assignments
- IPv6 PI assignments
- AS Number assignments"
"For new End Users the billing category will be Extra Small for the
first year."

Donc pour un client qui veut un PI IPv6 ca va lui coûter:
Setup: 2000 EUR
1ere année: 1300 EUR

PS: C'est maintenant applicable aussi pour les PI IPv4 et les ASN.

Donc pour conclure, ca coute moins chère d'avoir un PA IPv6 que un PI
IPv6 ;)


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