--- On Thu, 3/22/12, RDIABO <rdi...@rogers.com> wrote:

From: RDIABO <rdi...@rogers.com>
Subject: MINEWEB: Québec plans to pluck and invest in the golden goose of mining
To: undisclosed-recipi...@yahoo.com
Received: Thursday, March 22, 2012, 9:08 AM

Québec plans to pluck and invest in the golden 
goose of mining
While soaring 
mining taxation will pluck a few more feathers off the mining golden goose, the 
Québec government plans to shoulder some risk in exchange for higher fiscal 
rewards.Author: Dorothy Kosich
Posted: Thursday , 22 Mar 



As Minister of Finance Raymond Bachand presented 
his budget Tuesday, he observed, "Like all peoples who possess such [abundant 
natural] resources, Québecers want to maximum their benefits," partially by 
collecting more than Cdn$4 billion in mining royalties over the next 
A new mining regime will help accomplish these 
goals through gross royalties collected on mining, forestry and water-power 
will reach $1.2 billion in 2011-2012.
"During the 10 years that preceded the reform of 
the royalties regime, mining companies paid a total of $289 million in 
to Québec. Over the next 10 years they will pay more than $4 billion. That is 
times more," Banchard observed.
To encourage more ore processing in the 
province, the provincial government will apply an investment tax credit to 
assets used to smelt or refine metals, and for hydrometallurgy, the minister 
The minister also revealed a four-pronged equity 
participation strategy that would allow the government to take an equity 
interest in mining projects, as well as the oil and gas industry.
The first component allocates $500 million in 
the provincial budget 2011-2012 for equity participation in projects in the 
Nord region, covering all of Québec's territory north of the 49th 
parallel and north of the St. Lawrence River and the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The 
Plan Nord sustainable development proposal covers nearly 1.2 million square 
kilometers and accounts for 72% of Québec's geographic area. It produces all of 
Québec's nickel, cobalt, PLG, zinc, iron ore and ilmenite and accounts for a 
significant portion of gold production, Lithium, vanadium and rare earth metals 
are also present.
Twenty-seven percent of the population in the 
region is Inuit and First Nations members.
C$80 billion in government and company 
investments are planned by Plan Nord by 2036 to develop mining and energy 
"The envelope available for investment in mining 
and hydrocarbon development projects is being raised from $500 million to $1 
billion over five years," the minister said. "However, the additional $500 
million may be invested in projects throughout Québec.
"The excitement created by the Plan Nord, 
coupled with the worldwide demand for Québec's natural resources, is leading to 
a growing number of potential projects," Bachard observed. "Mining companies 
seizing every opportunity available to them. The government must have the means 
necessary to ensure that all Québecers benefit from the development of Québec's 
The government hopes to extend the power 
transmission grid to Nunivak to supply mining operations in the 
The second component allows the government to 
negotiate early equity options in all mining projects for which government 
support for infrastructure and the establishment of electricity rates is 
"We're creating Ressources Québec, a new 
subsidiary of Investissement Québec, specialized in mining and hydro carbons," 
said Bachard. In addition to investing on its own behalf, Ressources Québec 
advise the government on the management of another new fund called Capital 
Hydrocarbures, which will be dedicated to government investments in Québec's 
subsurface resources.
"The mining and hydrocarbon sectors pose special 
challenges, particularly due to the volatility of resource prices and the 
technical and geological aspects of nature resources projects," said Bachand. 
Ressources Québec will be mandated to consolidate and enhance the government's 
equity interests in projects by mining and hydrocarbon companies.
Ressources Québec will consolidate all of 
Investissement Québec's current equity interests in mines and 
The third component of Bachard's strategy is to 
reduce the tax credit rates available to companies conducting exploration in 
province by more than one quarter as of Jan. 1, 2014. "Furthermore, companies 
that carry out exploration in Québec's subsurface may, at their discretion, 
advantage of the enhanced exploration tax credits in exchange for an option on 
government equity interest in future development."
The fourth and final component calls for the 
government and Ressources Québec to a lot up to $100 million in the next five 
years for investment in the exploration and development of promising mining 
sites, in partnership with private companies.
Bachand said Caisse de Depot et Placement du 
Québec, the provincially owned pension-fund manager is working with Montreal‘s 
Canadian National Railway on a project to build a 800-kilometer long rail line 
linking the Port of Sept-Iles and the Labrador Trough region. The C$5 billion 
link could open as soon as 2017, quadrupling iron ore shipments and adding 
C$1.3 billion in revenue, according to Desjardins Securities. Canadian National 
would contribute about two-third of the project 

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