Dear F* users,

We are pleased to announce that F* v0.9.6.0 was released last week:

A large number of people contributed to this release: thanks to all!

# Main new features

- Meta-F*: A metaprogramming and tactic framework, as described in
this [report]( Code samples are in
examples/tactics, examples/native_tactics and the `FStar.Tactics` and
`FStar.Reflection` libraries. Many people contributed a lot to this
work, especially Guido Martinez.

- Improved type inference with two-phase typechecking: We now build
verification conditions for a program after a first phase of type
inference. This improves inference of implicit arguments and reduces
our trust in the type inference. Thanks to Aseem Rastogi!

- Caching typechecked modules: F* emits ".checked" files, an on-disk
representation of a typechecked module that can be read back later.
This significantly reduces the time to load a module's dependences.

# Many other improvements

A sampling of improvements across the entire tool chain:

- Resolving several syntactic ambiguities in the parser

- A correct pretty printer for surface terms, using `fstar --indent`

- A new dependence analysis to support incremental compilation for
larger projects

- Overhauling the higher order unification algorithm, both in the
representation of meta-variables and in the handling of unfolding,
leading to significant performance and robustness improvements (see

- Automatic generation of interfaces for modules and tighter
enforcement of abstraction boundaries (see's-interface)

- Improvements to the SMT encoding, removing axioms that lead to
performance problems and reducing brittleness related to optimizations
in the encoding, notably shallow vs deep encodings

- Improved type-based erasure for extraction

- Several new and improved libraries, including a revised treatment of
footprints for Low* programs, in `FStar.Modifies`

- And work by many people in Project Everest whose use of F* drove a
lot of the work in this release.

- Plus many other improvements and changes as described in

- And 180 closed github issues
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