Title: FW: [es-solidarity] Summary of Oct. 12th protests from Central America
And more! - Katherine
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From: David Amdur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2004 22:32:31 -0400
To: "David H. Amdur" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [es-solidarity] Summary of Oct. 12th protests from Central America

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Ctcfield] Summary of news from Central America
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2004 16:20:59 -0400
From: "Theresa Polk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Yesterday, Oct 12, was a designated Day of Action    for MesoAmerica. Here are some events & news from the  region:

Guatemala: 20,000 people marched against discrimination, for resolution to the agrarian problem and demanding that the    forced evictions of campesinos from vacant land be halted. The first of a    series of forums on CAFTA for legislators took place yesterdayas well, with    the aim of providing a variety of positions on teh agreement to the Reps    before they have to make their decision.

Costa Rica: 30,000 people converged on the    capital to protest corruption, impunity and the CAFTA, accusing taht the    same corrupt officials that have been robbing the public services (social    security, telecommunications, energy) are those that negotiated the CAFTA, and    are trying to trick the Costa Rican people into accepting it. Last year 3000    people took to the streets to celebrate this day of resistance, this year ten    times teh number of people came out. President Abel Pacheco attemtped to take    part and lead the march to mask his administrations own problems with    corruption but was booed and forced out by the protestors. Throughout Costa    Rica, workshops and forums were also taking place to educate the people about    CAFTA's implications for Costa Rica, as well as protests against    corruption.

Nicaragua: Protests tied the issue of water    privatization to CAFTA. The President has introduced CAFTA implementing legislation in the Natl Assembly but the commission on FTA's will not make a    recommendation on it until after the US elections

El Salvador: Blockades of major roads and    bridges, and a march to the Presidential residence. Marchers reiterated that    neither the CAFTA nor maquilas are an answer to the nations development issues, especially as the maquilas are already going to countries with even    lower wages.

Theresa Polk
Citizens Trade Campaign

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