and phone numbers :-)

Hash: RIPEMD160

Guys! Stop wasting our time and bandwidth! If you want to
argue about bullshit, you have each other's email.



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Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (MingW32)

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I want to thanke everyone for helping with my research project. It deals with moderation styles of various groups. From USENET where there was no real moderation for the most part and frequent flamefests, to yahoogroups when saying something offensive to the moderator often causes puniasahment or banning. The two worst being "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "INTIMACY FOR THE DISABLED" which has a "zero tolerence policy" for the whatever upsets the moderator.  One must admit the Biffy Group had production folks involved so wanted to keep them involved, so their wished had to be acceded to and overall it has worked well.

Now to us net old timers what goes on here is just another flamewar and mos t of the time if one ignores the combatants whether they are right or wrong they calm down and go away, or at least calm down. I'd suggest Xanax .5mg to 1mg but even if had the power to prescrbe such it would not be medically legitimate to do so without talking to the people involved.

Anyway this is most curious and seems like a blast back to the Wild West of the Internet. circa USENET groups, many of which regulaly get abandoned when a different group takes over. I suspect on a mialing list someone has it and could delete people.  Of course this if one this isn't a grammar argument but usually that only happens when F users outnumber  M users by greater than 3 to one, c.f. Linuxchix but also INTIMACY FOR THE DISABLED, which was sort of a fascist paradise.

Anyway it would be nice to calm down and get back to basics. What I was about to ask about was whether a hard to break into and recover infromartion Cryptocard existed that would allow one to put one's private key on it and have it be difficult to recover. The reason I ask this is I have been reading US Federal Court cases and I am getting more and more concerned that even people who feel they are doing little to knothing wrong should encrypt their communication. If one's machine and stuff is seized in a raid then having your private key on an easily obtainable media it does not good.

Have Fun,
Sends Steve

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Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

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