Etaoin Shrdlu wrote:
> Well, I'm stumped. I mean, really stumped.
> I've had a host scanning my network for the past three days...

> I'm at a loss. If anyone knows Italian (I don't), and can contact one of:
> or anyone at, please, let them know that the machine is
> compromised, and that they need to take it off line, and clean it up.

Thanks to whomever finally got through, however you did it. I had actually
allowed one host to start responding, and it had gotten to the part I
always least understand, i.e. the tries for root's password. I mean,
really, are there that many hosts out there with root accounts that can be
guessed with an automated password guesser? Anyway, it suddenly stopped,
and stopped attempting the other machine(s) as well. Whew.

Thanks again.

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