gmaggro wrote:
> would be a nice touch if everyone sent a few dollars to the
> projects or authors of the security tools they use. I have donated a bit
> already to some of my favourites, but I'm only one person. Alot of folks
> have worked hard to bring us some good shit, let's give a little back.
> In fact, let's give alot more back then we have been doing, collectively
> (ugh) speaking.
> Think of it as enlightened self-interest; helping these folks out makes
> it far more likely you'll see even more good stuff from them in the future.

That's an awfully self-less gesture :)

Any ideas which projects 'deserve' the money? There are a lot of sec 
projects, and not a lot of money ;)

Personally, i'll give to Backtrack (but that's not really giving back to 
the developers), Nikto guys and Phenoelit. I don't remember paypal 
donate type things, or any of these guys being regular hacker 
profiteering types though...


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