We need the security community to send messages to the white house
level folks to put pressure on the russian government to allow the
storm worm folks and the russian business network be arrested. this
should be an international affair at the highest level of our
governments. n3td3v thinks russia is the number one cyber threat to
online society not china. I've had enough of state sponsoring of storm
worm by the russian government. I'm reaching out to the security
community now to get this pushed up the ladder towards the whitehouse
to get this super bot net dismantled. everybody just seems to be
accepting storm worm is big and the russian government are protecting
them, more needs to be done, this is clearly unacceptable behaviour by
the russians. we need to send signals to the whitehouse that this
should be on the television political agenda to get storm worm and the
russian business network shutdown and if they keep refusing, the
united nations should be approached and sanctions should be imposed on
russia. we shouldn't sit back any longer and allow russia to do what
they want and walk all over the cyber security community. forget the
american government placing china as the number one cyber threat,
thats just political bullshit, now the real cyber threat to america
and the western world is storm worm, russian business network and the
russian government. storm worm is a big cyber nuke that the russian
goernment are quite happy to sponsor and protect, just incase cyber
affairs fray in the future, the russian government can just ask their
contacts over at RBN to throw a couple of super bot nets at the west.
what are we going to do about storm worm, russian business network and
the russian government refusing to help the west dismantle the world's
biggest cyber nuke? if america is getting serious about cyber commands
and cyber threats, then we need to get serious about the russian
business network, the storm worm and the russian government who are
protecting them. let's get this made a bigger issue and send out some
clear signals that we will no longer tolerate this.

[07:55] <worried> russian business network
[07:57] <worried> storm worm
[07:59] <worried> the government of russia
[07:59] <worried> worried? i am
[08:01] <worried> we say china is our biggest cyber threat? um no,
russia is clearly
[08:02] <worried> the russian secret service won't let the west arrest
RBN aka storm worm folks.
[08:03] <worried> the storm worm could take out the internet easily if
it decided to turn against everyone... and its state sponsored by .ru
[08:04] <worried> yet the yanks are more focused on building up china
as the enemy ? why? china has no super bot net, china isn't refusing
to hand over the folks responsible... russia is!



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