On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 2:32 AM, worried security
> We need the security community to send messages to the white house
>  level folks


>  to put pressure on the russian government to allow the
>  storm worm folks and the russian business network be arrested.

did Alexander Litvinenko teach you nothing?

>  ... n3td3v thinks russia is the number one cyber threat to
>  online society not china.

the usgov cares about military / SCI infosec, not joe blow typing his
platinum visa into a phish...

>  I've had enough of state sponsoring of storm
>  worm by the russian government. I'm reaching out to the security
>  community ... to get this super bot net dismantled.

DHT's are fragile; do it yourself.  u l33t h4x0r d00d

[... paranoid delusional ramblings truncated for brevity and sanity ... ]

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