Hi Gadi,

In answer to your last question:

  "Enough whining though. Who is next on the target list? :)"

Look at KnujOn's Top Ten Worst Registrars list. Joker and BLI have been 
handed breach notices by ICANN. EST will follow, then eNOM, then...

There is no need to worry about their "bread," that's just the criminals 
trying to make us feel guilty. KnujOn was told that if we did not back 
off, a particular Chinese registrar was going to fire its low level abuse 
staff. These guys do not care about the people who work for them. They 
only care about their own bread. Please don't give in to their guilt trip.

The time has come for the criminals to find honest work, like the rest of 
us. There is plenty to do.

We are all of the Internet.

         -- bob

On Sun, 5 Oct 2008, Gadi Evron wrote:

> I started answering an email an hour ago, and it was important enough to
> spend time on. It also ended up being too long, so I dumped it in a blog
> post if you prfer reading in a web browser.
> http://gadievron.blogspot.com/2008/10/time-for-self-reflection.html
> Time for self reflection
> More seriously, why do I care so much? I have dual citizenship. Along with my
> homeland citizenship, I am of the Internet, and see it as my personal duty to
> try and make the Internet safe.
> Gadi Evron,
> Of the Internet.

Dr. Robert Bruen
Cold Rain Knujon

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