On Tue, 7 Oct 2008, Tonnerre Lombard wrote:
> Salut, Gadi Evron,
> On Sun, 5 Oct 2008 03:32:03 -0500 (CDT), Gadi Evron wrote:
>> I have dual citizenship. Along with my homeland citizenship, I am of
>> the Internet, and see it as my personal duty to try and make the
>> Internet safe.
> Poor Germans who are not allowed to have dual citizenship. ;-)


>                               Tonnerre
> --
> SyGroup GmbH
> Tonnerre Lombard
> Solutions Systematiques
> Tel:+41 61 333 80 33          G?terstrasse 86
> Fax:+41 61 383 14 67          4053 Basel
> Web:www.sygroup.ch            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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