I really don't understand how you even think this idea has any chance of
succeeding. You obviously didn't read my response properly; not only did I
address issues of money, but also the fact that it would be absolutely
impossible to implement such a system due to existing infrastructures and
lack of records. Please read the rest of my response properly.

On Sat, Oct 11, 2008 at 5:47 PM, n3td3v <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sat, Oct 11, 2008 at 9:47 AM, AaRoNg11 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > A licensing system of this size would cost millions, if not billions to
> implement.
> What's a few million here, a few billion there in the name of national
> security? Money hasn't stopped the Department of Homeland Security
> implement far more stupider things in the past. No, I don't think
> money is the issue here, what the issue here is, is ironing out the
> details to make this whole thing workable and effective, and getting
> cross-government, cross-sector cooperation with rolling the scheme out
> and it be made an industry standard that everyone is agreed upon. That
> is the real challenge that faces us, not how much money its going to
> cost. We can talk about the money later, let's just get the proposal
> details worked out and put on the table first and see if its got a
> chance for any funding.
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Aaron Goulden
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