It would be a good way for the government to leverage control of
hackers and the people who use their tools though. Disclosure Scotland
is already in operation, all you need is a new law to say everyone who
uses security software must get a Disclosure Scotland background check

I think the government will introduce the security industry software
license scheme and change the law to support it. There is also an
option where some tools wouldn't need a license, the government would
grade different types of security software depending on their
effectiveness and potential damage to infrastructure and computers.

For instance, category A,B,C..."A" being metasploit, "C" being angry
ip scanner (is angry ip scanner even classed as security software,
thats something that needs to be discussed as well, what defines
"security software"?).

Hackers may start to use the category of software as a scoreboard of
how elite their software is, but who cares, its a reference for the
scheme and for people who need to know which software needs a license
and what type of license you need, and how deep a background check has
been done on individuals who already have a license and are using
software, or as an indicator to people who are about to apply for a
license, how indepth the background check will be.

C would mean no background check needed, B would mean basic background
check needed, with a "basic" security industry software license, and A
would mean "advanced" background check needed, with an advanced
software license type.

So there would be two different licenses, "basic" and "advanced", and
C for no license required.

Moreover, the category system can be setup by any of you, you don't
need to wait for this scheme to be introduced, securityfocus, sans
diary or other vendors could start categorizing software on
what"potential" damage could be caused with security software if the
bad guys were to use them for evil things.---we can get the category
system setup as part of a seperate project, even if the license scheme
doesn't get the go-ahead, it would still be a useful thing for folks
to do.

If anyone is bored and wants to compile a list of security software
and categorise them all, then that would be really helpful, even if
only for a pass time fun, not even for a serious reason or not part of
the security industry software license scheme. You can still do it. It
would be cool if you did it though and acknowledge the security
industry software license scheme though.

We talk about metasploit and the others being used for good things by
good people, but why not ask the question "What If" the bad guys did
use this software, what damage "could" be caused, and how far could
they get? Could metasploit be used to carry out a fire sale, or just
something small like finding a wireless access point thats not
password protected.

If software could be used in a fire sale, then it should be a category
A software and require a full background check on every user who wants
to use the software, "just incase".

Also, if you breach category "A" software licensing laws, you get a
bigger punishment than if you were in breach of the licensing law
using a category B software type. So the users know and the courts
know the seriousness of the crime of not having a license, breaking
the license agreement terms, and how stiff a sentence the person in
breach should get.

I have taken ideas from driving licensing and drug law categorization
to come up with this email.

So we can take ideas from current laws on driving and drug offences
and put them into forming the security industry software license

No I wasn't on drugs when I wrote this email... but mike simpson my
new stalker might speculate.

Thank you for your time, keep the ideas coming.


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