On 10/14/08, n3td3v <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 10:23 AM, Michael Simpson
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> * I'm not a criminal
> >>
> >
> > Just because you haven't been caught doing something illegal doesn't
> > mean you are haven't engaged in illegal acts
> >
> mike thinks i carry out illegal acts

do you have a problem with tenses?


I used to be his friend but now he fell out with me, so I want to tell
everyone about him, because he's a yahoo employee i used to give
"intelligence" to, but now he backstabbed me, and he miscalculated how
much i knew about him and his "circle of friends".


He obviously doesn't use his real name online a lot. Back when he wasn't
into security, some people got to know him pretty well. You can happily ask
him about the massive amounts of time he spent in Yahoo! Chat attempting to
crack "names" to show off to his other Yahoo buddies.


cracking yahoo names, by the person who says he has never done
ethically or morally wrong?

> >> * I'm not mentally ill
> >>
> >
> > BZZZT! Wrong
> > Checkout your psychopathology in DSM-IV.
> >
> mike thinks im mentally ill


>> They were just horrible people who don't really know me who have
>> helped to ruin my life, my mental health hasn't been the same since I
>> read accusations about me that I was a hacker and I'm doing something
>> wrong.
>> SecurityFocus, they never even emailed me for my side of the story, I
>> went away to university and then realised an article and PDF file had
>> been written about me, I couldn't cope with the pressure, so I had to
>> drop out of university because of what was post about me, because I
>> couldn't cope with the strain.
>> Here I am now, picking up the peices and unemployed with no university
>> degree, until I can reapply when i'm feeling better after the stress.


> >> * I'm not a terrorist
> mike thinks im a gathering threat


n3td3v is more than a name, we're fucking gangster.


> >> * I'm not an elite hacker
> >>
> >
> > Now that is true.
> >
> mike agrees im not an elite hacker
> >> Now GTFO, stalker!
> >>
> >
> > I presume GTFO is the new l33t thing to shout in your irc chan of choice.
> > How very pre-teen of you.
> >
> mike thinks im trying to be elite


> > <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcissistic_personality_disorder>
> >
> > At some point the crushing reality that you aren't very important, or
> > clever or talented will force itself upon you. I suggest you seek
> > professional help before you get to that point.
> >
> > mike
> >
> mike thinks im not very important and when i realise this ill have a
> mental breakdown

Hey, don't laugh at him.  He's like the "Special" kid in highschool
that would try to sit at the cool table.  Sure, some of the cool kids
dogged on him but most just felt sorry for him and when they laughed
they made it seem as though they were laughing with him.

i was being polite but one of the best messages ever sent to you IMHO is this



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