I am sure Sonic wall is going to lose many customers and other companies
should learn and not put DRM in their products. I hope this will teach them.

On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 9:36 PM, Elazar Broad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> I stopped using SonicWall when I learned I had to purchase a whole
> new device for a customer that just wanted to add a few more
> machines to their network, instead of bumping the license like most
> "normal" vendors.
> On Tue, 02 Dec 2008 14:14:43 -0500 IT Security
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Sonicwall (makers of various security products) has had their
> >license
> >manager (server) go haywire overnight and it's "reset" (meaning
> >invalidated)
> >the licenses on all of their email security products. This means
> >customers
> >can't login to their own systems (a good case against draconian
> >DRM like
> >this). Calls to support have gone straight to voicemail all
> >morning, and no
> >ETA for resolution yet exists.
> >
> >This is affecting **all** of their customers, as far as I can tell
> >(and
> >based on what I'm told by their general support ticket-taker).
> >
> >Their forum (probably requires registration) is full of complaints
> >about it.
> >Screenshots of it and other problem areas are available on request
> >.. but I
> >don't want to email them to this entire list).
> >
> >The first alert was these warnings :
> >
> >----------------------------------------------------------------
> >~~ SonicWALL Email Security Alert ( ~~
> >----------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >[Summary: Your Email Security licenses have been reset.]
> >
> >Details:
> >Host Name: **ourmailhost**
> >Description: The Email Security licenses have been reset at
> >12/02/2008 04:18 EST. The email filtering will not be
> >working.
> >
> >TimeStamp:
> >LocalTime: Tue Dec 2 04:18:49 2008
> >GMT: Tue Dec 2 09:18:49 2008
> >
> >Additional Information:
> >Recommended Action: Please contact SonicWall Technical
> >Support.
> >
> >A response from their technical support on the issue went like
> >this :
> >
> >"The issue is on our backend server who stores the registrations,
> >some ES
> >appliances got licences resetted. The exact cause is still being
> >analized
> >with high priority. In those cases entering the mysonicwall
> >credentials or
> >uploading file solve the issue. Kind Regards Ivan"
> >
> >And as of now, their license server is **still** off-line :
> >
> >$ telnet licensemanager.sonicwall.com 443
> >Trying
> >telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
> >
> >DRM schemes like this only cause problems for the LEGITIMATE
> >customers .
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