suspecting = expecting.

(English reading is easier than writing, apologize)

2009/1/4 Mainbox Notif <>

> [quote]
>  Since then they have been giving more and more ground to Palestine (...)
> [/quote]
> It seems that you don' t read the newspapers.
> Do you really know what is happening there?
> A fact is that it is the opposite: They (the Israeli) have been giving less
> and less ground to the Palestine Country.
> Do you read the newspapers? Do you see the news on the TV?
> I was suspecting that you had more brains.....
> 2009/1/4 Paul Schmehl <>
> --On January 4, 2009 4:44:57 AM -0600 Mainbox Notif <>
>> wrote:
>>  They just want their country back. Thats all.
>>> It seems that Israeli want to have more, and more. And more.
>>> Israelis build settlements outside the borders of Israel.
>>> In History there where made some appointments which part belongs to the
>>> Israeli and which to the Palestinian.
>>> But it seems that the Israeli want more. Thats are not very thankful, he?
>>> Please stay between your own borders!
>>> Thats what the Palestinians want.
>>> And I can understand them. They have to fight back. I should do the same.
>> The Israelis were attacked by all their surrounding neighbors back in the
>> 60's and they beat them all.  Since then they have been giving more and more
>> ground to Palestine, yet the Palestinians continue to attack them. In 2005
>> they turned Gaza over to the Palestinians.  The thanks they got was
>> thousands and thousands of rocket and mortar attacks.
>> The Palestinians are *not* fighting back.  They are the aggressors.  No
>> matter how much land Israel gives up, the Palestinians will continue to
>> attack them, because their goal is to annihilate the country.
>> Please stop acting as if the Palestinians are poor, innocent bystanders
>> being attacked for no reason.  They are not.
>> Paul Schmehl, If it isn't already
>> obvious, my opinions are my own
>> and not those of my employer.
>> ******************************************
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