> It's a matter of splitting up responsibility among various players and
> distributing almost everything.

Leaking information is not a game, unlike some kids seem to think.

> With the growing number of improvised leak sites and more to come in
> future, most doesn't even have a methodology/risk model or fully
> understand the level of risks they are taking.

Just because someone got busted and found a number of lunatics in providing
mirrors doesn't mean there's a whole industry. If anything, there must be
industry in making good use of these said lunatics. Perhaps, by teaching
the difference between "hacking" and "script-kidding" websites.

> That's just an idea of a possible methodology.

Which people tried already...and failed.

> Which kind of trouble you refer to? It's nice to ear about understanding
> and risks analysis on that stuff.

Libel, fraud, sharing of illegal material.

Hey, if you're really intent on going along with this, be my guest. I'll be
the drama fold from afar. Same kind of stuff that happened with/to
A momentary hit/fad/hype and the next it's laughed of until it's


On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 12:11 PM, Fabio Pietrosanti (naif) <
li...@infosecurity.ch> wrote:

> It's a matter of splitting up responsibility among various players and
> distributing almost everything.
> With the growing number of improvised leak sites and more to come in
> future, most doesn't even have a methodology/risk model or fully
> understand the level of risks they are taking.
> That's just an idea of a possible methodology.
> Which kind of trouble you refer to? It's nice to ear about understanding
> and risks analysis on that stuff.
> -naif
> On 15/12/10 12.01, Christian Sciberras wrote:
> > Nice recipe to easily end up in a ton of trouble and ridicule.
> >
> > My 2 cents...
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