On 15/12/10 12.24, Christian Sciberras wrote:
> > Which kind of trouble you refer to? It's nice to ear about understanding
> > and risks analysis on that stuff.
> Libel, fraud, sharing of illegal material.
> Hey, if you're really intent on going along with this, be my guest.
> I'll be watching
> the drama fold from afar. Same kind of stuff that happened with/to
> Wikileaks.
> A momentary hit/fad/hype and the next it's laughed of until it's
> forgotten...

Not to criticitze you but it seems to me that you have not understood
which are the differences.

Wikileaks does editing and publishing and that was his main source of

Upcoming leaking methods doesn't do, like this openleak concept and the
http://openleaks.org that daniel berg (ex-wikileaks) is setting up.

We'll probably see a lot of different approaches to leak management,
from the easier and dirty one to the most complex one.

It's precious raw material for media, doesn't expect that it will not
get a value.



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