On 7/6/12 1:48 PM, Thor (Hammer of God) wrote:
> I already covered that -- if they don't fix it, the publish it.  
> Also, if a vendor has a "venerability" to the community, then they
> would obviously fix it.
> There's no "responsibility" to disclose anything.   FD doesn't exist
> to satisfy some requirement for researchers to publish vulnerability
> -- it exists so that people can market themselves.   The "we must
> disclose this so that people will know and they can protect
> themselves" is simply a justification for the aforementioned.    These
> people don't give a fat fuck about the industry or protecting other
> people.   If they did, they would just post "hey, there's a vuln in
> this product, email me and I'll tell you about it."  When no-one
> emails them (because this limited audience doesn't care) they don't
> get their "deserved cred" and post it.  
> Nobody cares, and nobody remembers...  his FD will simply be another
> tit in the peep show.  People like 0DayInit and Litchfield did it the
> SMART way.  They have a client base who have purchased a product to
> protect them from these vulnerabilities.  People who purchase the
> product are protected in the meantime, as the vuln is actually
> addressed in the product.  It actually works in their favor of the
> vendor to take longer as it makes the product more valuable.  
> Vendors want "responsible disclosure" so they can assign priority to
> plan release cadence.  Disclosures want recognition, or payment, or
> both.   Each will do what is in their own best interest.  But let's
> not pretend it is anything other than what it is.
> t
> From: Peter Dawson <slash...@gmail.com <mailto:slash...@gmail.com>>
> Date: Friday, July 6, 2012 10:24 AM
> To: Timothy Mullen <t...@hammerofgod.com <mailto:t...@hammerofgod.com>>
> Cc: "full-disclosure@lists.grok.org.uk
> <mailto:full-disclosure@lists.grok.org.uk>"
> <full-disclosure@lists.grok.org.uk
> <mailto:full-disclosure@lists.grok.org.uk>>
> Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] How much time is appropriate for fixing
> a bug?
> Thor (Hammer of God) : <If and when they fix it is up to them.>
> so if vendor don't fix it /ack the bug.. then what ??
> Responsibility works both ways.. Advise the vendor.. if they say fuck
> it.. I say fuck u.. and will advise the community !
> There is a responsibility to disclose a venerability to the community
> so that they can take down/block /deactivate a service .
> ".All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do
> nothing. " -whoever ..fuck it !
> /pd
> On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 12:46 PM, Thor (Hammer of God)
> <t...@hammerofgod.com <mailto:t...@hammerofgod.com>> wrote:
>     Well, I have to say, at least he's being honest.  If the guy is
>     chomping at the bit to release the info so he can get some
>     attention, then let him.  That, of course, is what it is all
>     about.   He's not releasing the info so that the community can be
>     "safe" by "forcing" the vendor to fix it.  He's doing it so people
>     can see how smart he is and that he found some bug.   So Joro's
>     reply of "fuck em" is actually refreshingly honest.  
>     Regarding "how long does it take," it is completely impossible to
>     tell.  If someone fixed it in 10 minutes, good for them.  It could
>     take someone else 10 months.   Any time I see things like
>     Wikipedia advising things like "5 months" I have to lol.  They
>     have no freaking idea whatsoever as to the company's dev processes
>     and the extend that the fix could impact legacy code or any number
>     of other factors.   I would actually have expected code
>     bug-finders to have a better clue about these things, but
>     apparently they don't.   
>     MSFT's process is nuts -- they have SO many dependancies, so many
>     different products with shared code, so many legacy products, so
>     many vendors with drivers and all manner of other stuff that the
>     process is actually quite difficult and time consuming.  Oracle is
>     worse -- they have the same but multiplied by x platforms.  Apple
>     I think has it the "easiest" of the big ones, but even OSX is
>     massively complex (and completely awesome).
>     It is all about intent:  if you want to be recognized publicly for
>     some fame or whatever, just FD it because chances are you will
>     anyway.   If you really care about the security of the industry,
>     then submit it and be done with it.  If and when they fix it is up
>     to them.
>     t
>     From: Gary Baribault <g...@baribault.net <mailto:g...@baribault.net>>
>     Date: Friday, July 6, 2012 7:59 AM
>     To: "full-disclosure@lists.grok.org.uk
>     <mailto:full-disclosure@lists.grok.org.uk>"
>     <full-disclosure@lists.grok.org.uk
>     <mailto:full-disclosure@lists.grok.org.uk>>
>     Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] How much time is appropriate for
>     fixing a bug?
>     Hey Georgi,
>         Didn't take your happy pill this morning?
>         I would say that the answer depends on how the owner/company
>     answers you, if you feel that their stringing you along and you
>     have given them some time, then warn them that your publishing,
>     give them 24 hours and then go for it. Obviously it depends on the
>     bug and the software, I major bug in a large program will take
>     longer, and so long as they are talking to you, and you don't miss
>     your morning happy pill, you can wait, a small bug in a small
>     program shouldn't take as long. There is no one answer to your
>     question, if you are having an interactive discussion with them,
>     then be patient, otherwise, Georgi's answer is a good one if they
>     are ignoring you or stringing you along.
>     Gary B
>     On 07/06/2012 10:33 AM, Georgi Guninski wrote:
>     > On Wed, Jul 04, 2012 at 10:49:18PM +0200, Jann Horn wrote:
>     >> After having reported a security-relevant bug about a
>     smartphone, how long would
>     >> you wait for the vendor to fix it? What are typical times?
>     >>
>     >> I remember telling someone about a security-relevant bug in his
>     library some time
>     >> ago - he fixed it and published the fixed version within ten
>     minutes. On the
>     >> other hand, I often see mails on bugtraq or so in which the
>     given dates show that
>     >> the vendor took maybe a year or so to fix the issue...
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     > when i was young i asked a similar question.
>     >
>     > if you ask me now, the short answer is "fuck them, if you are
>     > killing a bug the time is completely up to you."
>     > responsible disclosure is just a buzzword (the RFC on
>     > it failed).
>     >
>     > you have bugs, they don't have.
>     >
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>     Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
>     Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
>     <http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html>
>     Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/
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> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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I find you honesty refreshing.

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