I'm not contradicting myself at all - in fact, *you* are the exact type of
person I'm talking about.  You couldn't give a rat's ass about the
industry or anyone but yourself.  Nothing you have ever done has been
"valuable" to anyone other than you; it has been completely self-serving
egotistical bullshit.

So you found a few bugs in Explorer.  Wow!  CongratulationsŠ I'm sure your
mommy is proud of little Joro.  *ANYONE* could have found bugs in
Explorer, and they did - you just did in it a full-blow "look at me"
manner that ended up hurting more people than it helped (because it didn't
help anyone).  

I'm amazed that you didn't burst into flame from the hypocritical charge
of "buzzwords."  For the last 10 years or more, you've been the poster
child of "M$," "Exploder," "Windoze" and any other number of
12-year-old-mentality "buzzwords."

The actual *facts* here are that you've never published *any* code of
consequence (not that I've found) nor have you published and written works
of any value.  I've never seen any evidence of an actual "job" you have,
or references of work that has contributed to the industry in any way.
Yet you are a bitter critical of people who write code, you belittle
people who publish, and you present yourself as an expert on corporate

In other words Georgi, you are completely full of shit.

So yes, I stand by my [obviously tongue-in-cheek] statement of "people do
things for two reasons, to get paid or to get laid."  You probably get
both, but my guess is it is sourced within the same myopic scope of your
world views. 



On 7/9/12 3:20 AM, "Georgi Guninski" <gunin...@guninski.com> wrote:

>On Sun, Jul 08, 2012 at 02:07:52PM +0200, Stefan Kanthak wrote:
>> "Thor (Hammer of God)" <t...@hammerofgod.com> wrote:
>> | Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="===============0734760750=="
>> Please stop posting anything but text/plain.
>> > If you really care about the security of the industry, then submit it
>> > be done with it.  If and when they fix it is up to them.
>> OUCH!?
>> The "industry" will (typically) not fix any error if the cost for fixing
>> exceeds the loss (or revenue) that this fix creates, including the
>> gain/loss of reputation, gain/loss of stock value, loss of money in
>> cases or due to compensations, loss of (future) sales due to
>> customers, ...
>> Joe Average can't tell the difference between a program which is
>> developed, built and maintained according to the state of the art, and
>> piece of crap that is not. He but only sees the (nice or promising) GUI
>> the product and it's price tag.
>> Stefan Kanthak
>i agree that Thor is writing pure corporate crap.
>note that he is contradicting himself: in another thread he
>wrote basically "people do stuff for money and getting laid".
>in this thread he is using the buzzwords "self promotion"/
>"ego-substantiation" which don't appear to fit the above model
>of motivation and are certainly wrong for most members of FD.
>probably in the next thread he will use the buzzword "irresponsible".
>i suppose in his glass house world he expects hackers to give the
>0days to vendors and keep silent, busting vendors profits for free
>so they don't accused of the ego related irresponsible crimes.
>f*ck it, i expect the final usa crisis to partially fix the model.
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