On Sun, 08 Jul 2012 14:07:52 +0200, "Stefan Kanthak" said:
> The "industry" will (typically) not fix any error if the cost for fixing
> exceeds the loss (or revenue) that this fix creates, including the vendors
> gain/loss of reputation, gain/loss of stock value, loss of money in court
> cases or due to compensations, loss of (future) sales due to (dis-)satisfied
> customers, ...

Court cases? *Really*?  When was the last time you saw a court case about
defective COTS software?  You see the occasional squabble regarding bespoke
one-off developments, but your average shrink-wrapped EULA does a pretty good
job of absolving the vendor from all blame, no matter how egregious the error.
Oftentimes, they even manage to waive responsibility for the common-law
concepts of "merchantability" or "fitness for intended use".

> Joe Average can't tell the difference between a program which is designed,
> developed, built and maintained according to the state of the art, and some
> piece of crap that is not.

That's OK.  Those of us who do this for a living are *also* often hard-pressed
to find any notable difference between "state of the art" and "piece of crap",
as they're about as close as the two level of a hyperfine transition of a cesium

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