On 17/07/2012 18:58, Григорий Братислава wrote:
On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 10:35 AM, Giles Coochey <gi...@coochey.net> wrote:
On 16/07/2012 14:48, Gary Baribault wrote:

I suggest one of the first answers was the good one, intercept the traffic
routed to the internet with TCPDump. Filter out the normal traffic and see
what's left. All compromised systems talk to the Internet to dump data or
route spam. Be patient, some systems talk all the time, some once an hour ..
but you will find some unexplained traffic. Once you do find that you're
infected, don't bother cleaning up the system, format and restore the data!

Is you have much more to worry than is ICMP/GRE tunnels. Is I send to
Broadcast and I am is on your network, how do you is plan to pinpoint
who I am when is everyone see broadcast
By your source MAC address


Giles Coochey, CCNA, CCNAS
NetSecSpec Ltd
+44 (0) 7983 877438

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