On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 10:41:27AM +1000, Noel Butler wrote:
> On Wed, 2013-04-10 at 19:20 +0200, Borja Ruiz Castro wrote:
> > I also agree that Its annoying spam.
> > 
> > I never run Mandriva and I'm not planning to do it ... 
> > 
> > Please, stop sending spam to full disclousure!!!
> > 
> whos got the gun?  whos holding it to your heads?
> FFS, WTF do you do when someone you dont like keeps posting shit?  you
> FILTER them out,   problem gone - voila!

This was my entire point.  Outdated security advisories for an OS you
don't use are only annoying to a point.  Unless you use a crappy mail
client on a tiny, smudgy, slow device which is better suited to
playing video games.

Whether Mandriva continues to post their advisories on this list or on
their own private list is immaterial to me.  What I don't want is for
this mailing list to be castrated for the convenience of iProduct

I'm merely suggesting that if the Apple AppStore(TM) doesn't have a
Full-Disclosure app that provides an easier interface to your inbox,
perhaps you just need to read your email on a real computer.

Maybe there is an FD Twitter feed you can subscribe to if emails are
too {hard,long,1980's} for you.  Twitter is still trendy, right?
Maybe AT&T will send FD notices to your phone via SMS (summarized by
Summly) for an additional $5/mo.  The point is that in the 21st
century there are plenty of wheels to reinvent and tech bubbles to
inflate.  Just don't water down this mailing list for just because
your telephone isn't up to the task.

I understand that by raising this concern over Mandriva's
announcements I didn't make use of the best example of what FD has to
offer.  There's no need to belabor that point as we've already
exceeded the word count of the target audience.

> Just look at the high noise level you all have made over it.

Think of the iOS users who now need to individually tap screenfuls of
extra messages.

> I also do not see anyone attacking cisco for doing the same thing,
> moments later.

Or Adobe, or HP, or Apple, etc.

Erik Falor                                       http://unnovative.net

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